Letter about accepting election results…
To the Editor,
Since the day after the election on November 4, 2020, we keep hearing on the national and local news, and from regular Americans who identify as Democrats that President Donald Trump and many of his supporters refuse to accept the results of that election. That is true! But is it fair? Republicans are called poor losers. We are accused of “telling the big lie,” and of spreading misinformation. Question: Should the Democrats be held to the same standards as Republicans? In 1968 the Democrats insisted, for the next six years, that former Republican V.P. Richard Nixon did not win the election against then V.P. Hubert Humphrey, Democrat. We heard often that Nixon had stolen the election. After the 2000 election we heard for the next eight years that former Republican Texas Governor George W. Bush stole the election against then V.P. Al Gore, Democrat. For four years after the 2016, election we had to listen to the almost daily claims that Republican Donald Trump stole the election from Hillary Clinton! Were the Democrats poor losers? Were they telling, “the big lie”? Were the Democrats then spreading misinformation? What standards apply to Republicans? What standards apply to Democrats?
Tommy Thorson
Ostrander, Minn.
anonymous says
I remember all those elections as well…. and they were contentious and went through a process that was generally accepted at the end by everyone and the transition of the presidency happened and life went on…. Nobody called around to the governors of contested states asking to find more votes…. Nobody held a rally that attacked the certification process, and even the court systems threw out all the cases for lack of evidence. Do we need election reform? Perhaps…. but if we do, and if it happens, it should be one set of rules for the entire country… not 50 sets of rules for 50 states that can be debated and disputed and manipulated. I don’t think that is asking a lot. And here’s another idea… how about letting every Ameican’s vote count? Yes, that would mean we elect a president just like we elect mayors and governors…. majority rules… popular vote….
Anonymous says
WITH ZERO EVIDENCE,GREG !! why don’t you watch frankspeech. com on Lindell TV and Mike Lindell will set you straight.
Greg K Rendahl says
Tommy, I also lived through the elections you describe, but no, in every case the losing Democrat graciously conceded their defeat. The Bush/Gore election was the only contested election. It was ultimately decided by just over 500 votes with a Republican Governor and a Republican Secretary of State in charge of the results and was declared valid by a totally unprecedented action of a conservative majority Supreme Court. Was that fair? I don’t know, but Gore accepted it for the good of America. The whiney crybaby Trump pushes the Big Lie with zero evidence and a great many Republican legislators either back him up or refuse to offer an opinion. Trump is dividing and damaging our nation and our democracy. Do you see how you have not really thought this through or are you being deliberately deceitful and sinful, Tommy?