Letter about abortion in Minnesota…
To the Editor,
What has happened in our state? Our House, Senate and governor have succeeded in their stated goal to promote abortion in Minnesota. Here is what they passed.
Minnesota state law now has legal abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason.
Babies who survive an abortion can now be left to die without providing any attempt at lifesaving treatment. As written, this law applies to all newborn babies, which could imply future denial of lifesaving care for disabled newborns.
Women no longer have the right to informed consent prior to an abortion.
Despite the rhetoric about “choice,” the long-standing bipartisan program providing financial assistance for women who choose to carry their child to term, Postivie Alternatives, was also gutted.
Abortionists no longer need to record data on the number of children who survive an abortion attempt and whether care was provided to a child who survives th abortion (five babies survived abortion in Minnesota in 2021 but died after delivery).
The legislature also increased the reimbursement rate for government funded abortion (about 41% of abortions in Minnesota are paid for with tax dollars).
Is this really what we want for Minnestoa? Speak with your governor and legislators about these issues. Who we put in office as governor, senators and representatives does make a difference. Your VOTE does count!
Eleanore Jones
Spring Vally, Minn.
Rock/Cow per Walz says
When you let a baby to die, I was taught that was murder. The MN DFL party has sunk to new lows. MN is getting to be like CA every day. If the DFLer’s like CA so much, move there. I wonder when a drag queen will perform before each session of the MN house and senate. The DFL thinks they are making MN a good place to live. No place is perfect, but they (MN DFL party) seem to think so. Maybe all of that recreation weed they will smoke will make all of the idiotic things the DFL does will make sense. I can see the Twin Cities House and Senate members lighting up when they are in session.
Cody Kid says
Well said Rock/Cow. When all is said and done they will lose. It’s pathetic what the state of Minnesota deems normal.
Ken says
I would not want to be them on judgment day!
Caring GenXer says
Eleanore, thank you for speaking up for the future of our culture. Many people in Minnesota will rue the day the looked the other way when they realize the consequences.
We have eliminated our caregivers, consumers, taxpayers, our future. Workforce shortages have been projected by state demographers for decades. Many public policies are enacted to backfill the gap. Inconvenient truth.