Letter about 92 with gratitude…
To the Editor,
Most of the elderly that I know seem to be grateful. Maybe they also have more time to express it.
As I got older, I became more and more angry at all the things I could not do. Then I wised up and thought of all the things I COULD do. I feel much better now.
Every day I take time to be grateful. When I wake up in the
morning, the first picture I see is of myself, my partner and my two best friends. I am extremely grateful for them. Then I see the Minnesota state picture which shows an elderly man being grateful for a bowl of soup and bread.
On the third wall I see a large circle of “The Golden Rule” as expressed by 13 religious faiths.
In the evening, I sit on my meditation pillow, look at a candle and count my blessings.
My partner, when meeting a new person and is asked, “How are you?” always answers, “I am grateful.” You can’t beat that.
Having an hour of quiet time with Quakers on Sundays has helped me a lot.
Harvey Benson
Harmony, Minn.
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