Letter about Houston
OHV trail…
To the Editor,
City of Houston, Minn., and certain OHV clubs have introduced an OHV trail on lands adjoining Southside park and residential lands within the city.
Consider the impact on the environment and well being of residents within this area.
Discussions among DNR Parks and trails, Houston city,county and OHV groups led to the decision by three clubs applying to the city for formal Grant in Aid sponsorship.
The clubs applied through the city for total of $200k – $150k- Rochester Rough Riders, $50k -Rochester Golden Eagles (off hwy) Motorcycle Club.
Dollars provide match for $150k of federal recreational funds awarded to city and Rochester Rough Riders ORV.
October 2013 – Letter to Houston administrator from Ron Meiners (district manager, Root River Soil and Water):
Slopes and soils on this parcel are highly erodible. Vegetation establishment is difficult and with slightest use may cause problems to maintain its structure. It’s likely off-sediment delivery could be significant.
From Jess Altoff –
Hilly, bluff terrain from top to bottom.
Top of ridge is diplomatic sandstone.
Next is Jordan sandstone, very soft easily eroded, 80’ to 100’ thick.
Is very important AQUIFER FILTER.
Next is St. Lawrence formation, 110’ to 120’ thick, highly erodible.
Next Wonewoc sandstone, highly erodible.
Bottom is sand, gravel and organics, highly erodible.
My opinion is that proposed OHV trail in this fragile environment is not feasible to sustain the integrity of this area.
HOUSTON CITY WELLS are in very close vicinity of this project and could be very prone to contaminates from hydro carbons, gaseous liquid or solid. (gas, oil)
Any concerns for neighbors’ wells or sand points or the city wells? Remember to come to Houston City Council meeting May 10 at 6 p.m.
Terry Jergenson
City of Houston, Minn..
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