Letter about…
To the Editor,
The impotent and misguided second impeachment attempt of President Trump concluded with a whimper. The Senate voted to acquit on the article of impeachment for “incitement of insurrection” regarding the January 6 Capitol incursion. The House Managers implemented a massive overreach, failing to present a coherent argument for their case. The Democrats fabricated a petty and vindictive snap impeachment, avoiding common protocols, denying due process, and doctoring evidence.
At no time did President Trump urge attendees to commit acts of violence. Instead, he exhorted them to “peaceably and patriotically make your voices heard.” Democrats conveniently excise that portion from their accusations. Politicians routinely use words like “fight” in speeches, including Democrats. Using this rhetoric is not impeachable. If this is the new standard for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” then Congress better prepare to remove Joe Biden and Kamala Harris next. Biden has a history of challenging people to fights and embracing violence against opponents. In March 2020, Biden threatened a Michigan autoworker saying, “You want to go outside with me?” Is that incitement? While violent riots were raging last summer, Harris encouraged their continuation saying on national TV, “They’re not gonna let up, and they should not.” Is that incitement?
It’s a sad commentary on our times when one political party is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, cheer mobs, and suppress viewpoints of those with whom they disagree. President Eisenhower stated, “If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party, it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.” Democrats are a “one trick pony” in their maniacal, obsessive hatred for President Trump. That pony, however, is getting old and ready for the glue factory.
Kent Larson
Stewartville, Minn.
Karl Elshoff says
Whoa, hold on a minute Fillmore County Elementary chess crusaders. The picture in the 12 June 2023 Fillmore County Journal showing two young kids playing chess has a faux pas that does not go unnoticed in the chess world; The chess board is set up wrong. According to FIDE Laws of Chess – International Chess Federation – section 2.1, ‘… The chessboard is placed between the players in such a way that the near square to the right of the player is white.’ The picture has the near white square to the left of the player.
Other deficiencies I noticed from the picture include playing without a chess clock, and the players are not writing down their moves (preferably using algebraic notation),
I suggest the club check out the US Chess Federation web page and their ‘Guide to a Successful Chess Club’.
Dale Jones says
Ya, we had seven Republicans who stood up to claim he did incite when they voted to impeach. The other 43 wanted to keep their power. They know that Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and he wouldn’t lose a vote.
What Mitch McConnell said in a televised moment, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence,” And yet he voted not to impeach. He used the excuse that many of the 43 used that was that Trump’s not in office anymore so you can’t impeach.
The writer needs to look at the full landscape instead of viewing the issue through a soda straw. The episode unfolded over months. Those were the lies Mitch is talking about. The letter writer cherry picked a tiny portion than makes a sweeping assertion.
Trump didn’t tell the rioters to step down for several hours. What do you think was in his mind?