Dear Mr. Trump:
As most of us know, your childish, hateful acts of cruelty and divisiveness have been legion over the past couple of years. Just to name a few of the worst: There is your insulting John McCain as not being a war hero, dishonoring a Muslim Gold Star family whose son gave his life in Afghanistan to save the lives of his fellow soldiers, spreading the ugly, cruel lie that President Obama did not have an American birth certificate, superimposing a manufactured picture of Ted Cruz’s father standing alongside killer Lee Harvey Oswald, insulting women by calling them “pigs,” bragging about your acts of sexual assault, and calling for physical violence at your rallies against those who opposed you. The list is long.
But I wish to address your most recent brazen, ignorant behavior. You dared to claim that the NFL players who took a knee during the National Anthem were dishonoring the flag, America, and our servicemen, and by implication, that they were akin to traitors. This begs the question that according to your line of thinking, why have you not called out those who defiantly fly the Confederate flag — certainly a much more un-American and unpatriotic act than what the players did? I think we know why. You lowered yourself even more (if that’s possible) by calling them SOBs. The NFL protestors were not dishonoring the flag but trying to call attention to police mistreatment and brutality. They were trying to point out by kneeling during the Anthem that our flag does not stand for such misbehavior. And whether anyone agrees or disagrees with their method of protest is really beside the point. They had the Constitutional right to protest in this manner. The irony here, Mr. Trump, is you are the one who is dishonoring America and the flag, not the players, by calling for their removal from the field for exerting their Constitutional right.
But there is more. It is nearly incomprehensible that you would show the gall and hypocrisy by criticizing the players after your behavior during and after the recent Charlottesville incident. Even though these hate-filled white supremacists showed KKK-like behavior with their swastikas, Nazi slogans, and virulent anti-Semitism, you refused to openly and strongly disavow their ugly anti-American behavior as our past presidents have done. This is what dishonoring the flag and America really looks like, Sir. Not players taking a knee. There are still WWII veterans alive today who fought and risked their lives to rid the world of Naziism and its cruel, anti-Semitic barbaric ideology. How do you suppose these veterans feel after seeing our President refusing to denounce this same despicable behavior in this country?
Your lack of decency and humanity not only degrades you but is an insult to every American.
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