To the Editor,
I was recently pleased to read an accurately written assessment of Islam by Flip Huggenvik. He supports his claims using historical realities and Qur’anic texts. A key element in making his case is his explanation of the doctrine of abrogation. This lies at the root of the Qur’anic debate. There are essentially two divisions within the Qur’an, the earlier peaceful sounding Meccan text and the later violent laden Medinan text. Islam’s texts are both peaceful and violent. This is known as the duality of Islam. The “stronger” Medinan verses abrogate the “weaker” Meccan ones (2:106). When Muslims are in the minority, the weaker verses are touted as representing Islam. As the Muslim population increases, the violent verses dominate. Today’s chaos in Europe is an example of this metamorphosis.
Subsequent to Huggenvik’s article, two writers took issue with his commentary, claiming his piece was “inaccurate and misleading,” but offering no proof. Immediately they attacked the Bible. They defame Christianity as “hate-filled” by mischaracterizing biblical texts and referencing behavior antithetical to New Testament tenets. Recording how certain biblical characters happen to act isn’t an endorsement of their behavior. Yes, the Crusades were violent, marking a departure from Christian values. They were in response to 400 years of violent Islamic jihad which swept into Europe, exterminating non-Muslim cultures in its wake.
Yes, the Bible is violent in the Old Testament, a past dispensation of time. The New Testament refutes violence. Existing under this time frame, the Qur’an’s violent verses refute its tenets of peace. Atrocities advanced under the name of Christianity are heretical to the teachings of Christ. By contrast, atrocities advanced under the name of Islam are sanctioned by the teachings of Mohammed. The writing is on the wall. Weighed on the scales of truth, these naysayers are found wanting.
Kent Larson
Stewartville, Minn.
Anonymous says
Well always singularly quoting verses of the Holy Quran thus misleading yourself and others. Quranic verses must be read in context by reading verses preceding and those after to get the true meanings. Be truthful because Almighty God don’t like decievers and on the day of judgement man will be held accountable for his words and actions.
hi says
Please, just focus on your religion, and let us focus on ours. You don’t see Muslims going on the news or writing articles on how “Christianity is bad” or “Hinduism is stupid” or “Jews are weirdos.” By the way, I don’t believe any of those statements. I believe that everyone is equal under the eyes of God.
Sharif aziz says
In reply to the letter by Flip Huggenvik, I wrote to this paper at least twice asking for space to this letter. I did not receive a reply. Mr Huggenvik makes a statement and then proceeds to use his statement as proof of what he says.
As for 400 years of jihad, the fact is that Christians first attacked Muslims. Muslims responded in self defence. The US claims that attacks on Korea and Vietnam were defensive, as were attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan. If attacking countries is defensive, why is attacking an army on Arabia’s borders not defensive?
We are glad that violence in the Biblical texts is admitted. It is claimed that passages are taken out of context. But Christians have been killing Jews using the New Testament as authority. What jihad had the Jews conducted against Christians?
There is no abrogation in Islam. The whole Quran has to be understood as complete guidance and applied accordingly