Lee Hamilton was spot on concerning Republican efforts to suppress voting rights, but there’s more. Massive Republican gerrymandering has stolen voting power from millions. For decades, when Republicans have legislative control, they usually refuse to allow a vote unless there is majority Republican support. Bipartisanship is not allowed. Republican appointed members of the Supreme Court gave us the Citizens United case allowing unlimited wealth to influence our elections. Trump empaneled a voter fraud commission witch hunt he later disbanded when nothing was discovered. Not surprisingly, they chose not to look at foreign electronic election fraud. Our democracy is turning into a sham.
Republicans endlessly push money to the wealthy. Corporate CEOs make over 3,000 times as much money as the average worker. Worker’s real wages have actually fallen in the past year. The latest wealth give-away cost us $1 trillion.
The moral degradation of Trump and his supporters is appalling. Hundreds of children were taken from their parents and locked up. They still don’t have a clue about reuniting many of them. A Trump casino paid a $477,000 fine for money laundering involving Russian mobsters. It’s all but certain that massive money laundering has continued with Trump property sales involving Russians. Trump has no understanding of international trade. His tariffs act like a tax on us. They will negatively impact American employment.
Trump flaunts the Constitutional Emoluments Clause. Trump attacks a free press, has a Nixonian enemies list, and seeks to intimidate and hide the massive corporate swamp-fest he has created with the use of unprecedented non-disclosure agreements. Trump supporter Stan Gudmundson had the gall to criticize those who “violate the morals and ethics you once held” when voting.
If you hate democracy and love depravity and evil, then do vote Republican.
Greg Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
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