To the Editor,
Jason Sethre’s recent commentary is a textbook case on how to take facts and use them to reach misleading and false conclusions. It also can and does trivialize an important subject. Mr. Sethre leads us to believe that video games and lax parenting have led to a recent decline in worker participation of younger men as shown by U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics. However, U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics for the past half century show the same relative long-term decline, and the same thing is true if the prime working age 25 to 54-year-old male demographic is used.
There are many reasons for this decline, such as increases in job openings for traditionally female jobs in health related fields like health aids and medical secretaries, while traditional male jobs of manufacturing and construction have declined. Our nation also has nine million males who were formerly incarcerated. Many employers tend to shun these applicants. The U.S. locks up far more people than practically any other nation in the world.
We know that more education equals a higher worker participation level. Making college affordable again is one step that would help. More education also leads to a better ability to separate fact from fiction, to truly understand most basic important issues, and to hopefully get legislation of value enacted.
Goodness knows that our nation needs help in oh, so many ways.
Greg Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
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