To the Editor,
Trump works to denigrate and create distrust of government (“deep state”), journalists, and science. Many thousands died because Trump apparently cared more for the stock market than scientists’ advice about coronavirus. The recent wind event in Iowa is a little taste of our future. There is no way to imagine the devastation in store for us and so many anti-science Republicans don’t seem to care. The old Republican party of family values, Christianity, and personal responsibility is gone. Trump gives us admitted sexual assaults, tens of thousands of lies, splits families and locks children in cages, never takes responsibility for any mistakes or failures, apparently works to sabotage the Postal Service to sow distrust in elections, and is still trying to kill insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions. He seems to have no morals, no empathy, only hate, a divider, and never a unifier.
It’s hard to imagine a public figure who is more of an anti-Christ than Trump. We see the endless racism, the abuse of pardons and obstructions of justice, the firings of inspectors general, pandering to QAnon fools, near constant violations of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, the Ukraine blackmail attempt, the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee report documenting widespread interactions between Russia and Trump campaign officials. Some of these and many other Trump officials have been charged or convicted of criminality. Our intelligence agencies say Russia is still meddling in the coming election and Trump is now limiting this knowledge to Congress. The Trump yard signs remind me of celebrations of corruption and evil.
It’s been a long time since the divisions in America have been so wide and stark. How much corruption can a democracy handle before it’s gone?
Greg Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
Tell the truth, shame the Devil says
Gerald Boyum says
1. Greg, is there a reason why you don’t support your arguments with real-world, shining examples where socialism/communism has worked instead of attempts to lie about Trump, the Republican Party, and conservatives to distract the voting public from his achievements in the past three years? Take your pick: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam, and Venezuela. Don’t repeat the lie about Scandinavian countries that Sanders came out with. They are capitalistic countries with extensive social programs for people who don’t seem to mind paying up to 70% of their incomes to their governments.
2. Trump an anti-Christ? I guess that’s why a majority of Evangelicals and Catholics voted from him last time! His support for individual rights such as the right to life, freedom of religion, and right of self-defense definitely labelled him as an anti-Christ masquerading as pro-Christian.
3. Divisions in America. Yes, there are divisions, alright, but here again, the truth is closer to the opposite of what the leftist propaganda and indoctrination ministries are promoting. The Left accuses conservatives of being “dividers” when they refute and resist their false and dangerous ideology.
a. Marx was the original divider when he divided society into the “bourgeoisie” (owners of the means of production) and “proletariat” (workers blinded by false consciousness from opiates such as religion) or oppressors and oppressed.
b. This model has then been extended to sex and race: feminists divide society into oppressive patriarchs exploiting women; homosexual activists divide society into gay and straight people. The heterosexuals are defective “homophobic” oppressors, not people with different views on sexuality.
c. Racial theorists divide society into “people of color” which has been used to designate anyone of any part African ancestry. The Left currently uses it to charge those with pale skin shade, over which they also had no choice, with “white privilege” that exploits people of color.
d. The Marxist exploitation model also divides society into a creditor and a debtor class. Privileged people of no color must pay reparations for slavery which was abolished more than 150 years ago. Even descendants of Union soldiers, and people of no color who came to the US after the Civil War, must now pay up. This demand is never applied to Cuba where more than one million slaves, almost 3X the number of slaves in the US, were located. Between 33 – 60% of Cubans have African ancestry, but since the 1950s, Cuba has been ruled by an all-white Stalinist dictatorship that holds many black political prisoners, puts homosexuals in labor camps, and has allowed no free elections.
4. The rest of your comments are so off-the-wall that they don’t merit a response other than the truth is closer to the opposite of what leftists say or write, but I will comment on: corruption- you haven’t seen anything like it unless the Left gets into power: “The bigger the government, the more the corruption.”
5. Here again, when Leftists accuse others, it’s generally what they are up to themselves-it’s called projection, i.e., Hillary Clinton dividing our country into the politically-correct class and the basket of Islamophobic, homophobic, racist deplorables.
Kim wentworth says
Sooo funny. What else to say???