To the Editor,
Lanesboro is celebrating fall. The neighborhood is a blaze of orange and yellow and maple leaves drift to the ground, resembling bright yellow butterflies in the sun. The beauty of the season belies a dark reality. The world is threatened by wild fires, floods and hurricanes and overwhelmed by COVID–19, an invisible enemy that haunts us all.
The recent death of Supreme court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg has raised a new level of concern. If the present administration is able to replace her, we may lose funding for protecting the environment, healthcare, women’s rights, civil rights and gun safety.
The weeks ahead present an “unprecedented” challenge. The Americans most vulnerable and at the greatest risk will find it hard to vote and for their voices to be heard.
We need representatives in government who will pursue the concerns of the middle class and the poor. If we want a “government of the people” – if we want to live in a democracy, we need to pursue truth and facts as a foundation for a plan to move our country forward. It’s been said – “It’s time to vote. Vote as if your life depends on it.” It does!
Yvonne Nyenhuis
Lanesboro, Minn.
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