To the Editor,
It was recently reported in an Italian newspaper that the Pope stated there was no hell and that bad souls would only disappear. Since this is coming from the head of the Catholic Church, I am very concerned. If he was misquoted or misunderstood, then he should have immediately come out to decry the misunderstanding of his words. Instead, the Vatican gave a response that was “strongly inadequate” as quoted by Cardinal Raymond Burke who serves on the Vatican highest court.
The Bible, however, is very clear on the teachings of heaven and hell. In fact, the reason for Jesus to come to earth, to live and die was because of his love for us. He paid the penalty for our sins so that we would be saved from hell. The Pope’s supposed words are troubling in of themselves, but the Vatican’s vague response to the article is even more troubling. Thus we are all left scratching our heads.
Jan Poldervaard
Spring Valley, Minn.
Thomas E. H. says
Have no fear. Hell exists. All is right in the world.
This is what I found online–
“The Vatican has denied that Pope Francis told an Italian journalist that “there is no hell,” the BBC reported Friday. The quote was featured in an article, which was based on a private meeting between the pope and Eugenio Scalfari, a reporter with Italy’s La Repubblica daily.”