To the Editor,
Okay, I guess us peasants working for a living need to name the five things we did in the workplace last week, to justify our existence in the economy, and send them, not to a Big Brother billionaire savant who knows nothing about what we do or how we do it, but instead to Congressman Brad Finstad who seems to be ignoring his oath to defend the Constitution – the same oath other elected officials, military enrollees, and even Peace Corps volunteers take.
I took my oath in a village in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands in 1979 with seven other volunteers including my wife, never thinking I would have to ever act on it. But I am acting on it today, by speaking out about the daily injustice perpetuated by Felon 47’s hateful regime. I am waiting on Mr. Finstad to do the same.
John Torgrimson
Lanesboro, Minn.
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