To the Editor,
I have sent emails to the Kingsland School about this. I asked why the buses have no cameras on them that work or even there. They told me once we had them but I guess that is wrong. Don’t we need this to help the drivers and keep our kids safe plus then we know for sure what the trouble was. I’m sure we can get cameras for a lot less than what it will take to get a new gym. We have plenty of those if we would still use the ones in Wykoff. But then that is a no-no, too. So can we have a show of people that think this would be a good idea? Someday it may come in very handy. Our kids’ safety first and just maybe it could stop some of the bullying going on.
Linda Comstock
Wykoff, Minn.
John says
I was bullied on a bus for a couple of months in 8th grade about my mother’s untimely death by a twirp that sat behind me. One day I turned around and punched him about 50 times in the face. Everyone remembered how “cool” his face looked and no one ever bothered me again.