To the Editor,
“He must have had an accomplice!” they say of the Vegas mass murderer. “How could he have done it otherwise?”
Of course he had accomplices! He had the NRA, the gun lobbyists, the gun nuts and gun culture, Senators and Congressmen and their lax gun laws and their cowardice before their big billionaire donors. He had the American romance with the gun and the glorification of the Wild Wild West, as if the era of the gunslinger and the annihilation of indigenous peoples were the pinnacle of freedom.
The country singers fired on in Vegas realized their legal guns were worse than useless — in fact an actual threat to their safety — when it dawned on them the cops might think they were the shooters and kill them.
Let me ask you this: If you are open-carrying a gun in a shopping mall or at a rally how am I supposed to know if you are the proverbial good guy with a gun or just one more lunatic on his way to our next massacre?
Donna Buckbee
Rushford, MN
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