To the Editor,
Please remember Insurrection Day, January 6, 2021. We now have someone who has pardoned those who attacked the Capitol with brutal force, causing harm to those who tried to save our democracy. Trump watched the fiasco for 187 minutes and did nothing to stop it. Five officers died, 140 were beat up. They were the true patriots. We now have the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys free who may have the opportunity for more political violence once again. He is so insecure, he gets revenge on those who criticize him. When I think of Donald Trump, I think of two words – shame and blame. He has no shame and places blame on others.
If you watched the swearing in, he didn’t even put his left hand on the Bible, but rather hides behind the Bible. Mike Johnson seems to be the ultimate in the political and Christian hypocrisy. Bishop Mariann Budde is a true Christian who has upset Trump.
History will record and write about this caustic, chaotic time. Those of the future younger generation will hopefully learn of this period and someday may ask Grandpa or Dad, “Did you vote for this guy?” Would you want your children to observe and act in this manner? I think not. As the saying goes, “Tell me who you walk with, and I will tell you who you are.”
Despite the disparaging thoughts and the cultish mindset of the MAGAs, I believe we are still the greatest nation in the world. Elect the leadership of kindness and humility as an example for the next generation so that maybe we can return to the relative normal political days of yesteryear.
Nathan Davidson
Grand Meadow, Minn.
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