To the Editor,
Rep. Jim Hagedorn took an oath, when he was sworn in as 1st District Congressman in 2018, to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is the same oath I took when I was sworn in as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Solomon Islands in 1979 – the same oath taken by those who enlist in the military or are elected to office across this country.
Last week, Rep. Hagedorn signed on to an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case Texas vs. Pennsylvania et al in an effort to undermine our election process, the foundation of our very democracy. The Supreme Court chose not to hear the case due to its lack of merit. Had the case prevailed, it would have given state legislatures in Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona (states that elected president-elect Biden) the authority to override the election in those states.
Hagedorn’s action places the unfortunate politics of division before the welfare of our country at a time when we expect leadership from our elected officials. His blind support for President Trump’s unwillingness to accept the presidential election results are unbecoming someone who represents thousands of citizens in southern Minnesota.
John Torgrimson
Lanesboro, Minn.
Christine Dirschel says
I bet he has good health insurance for his cancer surgery medical needs. Meanwhile, some of the rest of us try to live our sickly short lives.