To the Editor,
Mr. Erding is quite disturbed that we in America now have unruly people protesting. I assume he is including the Tea Party of a few years past in his criticism. He then states there is a worldwide effort by mega rich wealthy elitists to achieve world domination. Again I assume he is including the Koch brothers, mega corporations too large to fail and the one percenters. He goes on to state that scientists exploring the effect of our man-made environment and greenhouse gasses on the environment is a hoax and ultra leftist mega rich technocrats are advancing such an agenda toward world domination. The question is should those ultra leftist mega rich technocrats not get involved in past DDT banning, agent orange, lead-based water testing in Flint, Mich., and maybe even include the conservative view of not getting America involved in World War II. Trying to put people into one defined group as leftist mega technocrats is pure bunk.
Jack Bratrud
Preston, MN
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