To the Editor,
I share the pastor’s frustration about the inability of Congress to make any progress in combating gun violence. The ability of the gun lobby to neutralize legislators’ efforts simply defies logic. As an example, I note on the next page of the Journal, an ad for Representative Greg Davids. He is soliciting his constituents’ opinions and concerns from a list of various issues he has provided, e.g., should illegal immigrants get a driver’s license. I find it instructive that in the entire list of issues offered by Representative Davids, the word gun never appears. Gun violence apparently is not on the Representative’s list of concerns. Yet, there remains much opportunity for leadership by the Minnesota legislature in combating gun violence. Examples include universal background checks, mandatory waiting periods and regulation of magazine size. To Pastor Omodt’s point, since Congress is not able to do the job, voters should focus on their local legislators to fill the gap.
Fred Beier
Preston, MN
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