To the Editor,
At a recent meeting of the commissioners of Houston County, a resolution from the Houston County Township Association was presented to the commissioners. It was met with an attack on it and the townships. Instead of an informational statement as it was intended. Why do some of the commissioners refuse to accept that there are voters and other elected officials who have knowledge of what is needed for the county to operate efficiently. In the past, commissioners have asked for voter input on things that would have less impact on the county. The comment was made that there are problems that can’t be talked about, is it county business or isn’t it? From the outside it looks like the problems are personal and not in the best interest of the county voters. The commissioner that made the attack is not known for working with voters who have opinions that he does not agree with. Do we have representation if they refuse to listen?? We need commissioners who listen to all the voters and leave their personal feelings out of county business. Which, at the end of that meeting, wouldn’t appear to be the case. Just to be on record.
John Dewey
Houston, Minn.
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