To the Editor,
I have friends that are Black, Native American, Indian, Mexican, and Asian. They are all welcome in my house. The color of their skin never crosses my mind. However there are some white people and black people that are not allowed in my house because they’ve stolen from me. It’s their behavior that matters, not their skin. Black Lives Matter came into Minnesota and rioted Minneapolis. Rioting is not biblical and is wrong. I will not submit to popular social pressure by bowing to Black Lives Matter. It’s not the color of their skin that matters it’s their behavior. A friend, in his anger, called me a racist. I asked where is the evidence that I’m a racist. In my 56 years of life I have never once mistreated or judged a person of color. My friend concluded that I’m a racist because I’m a white, male, conservative Christian that supports a biblical world view. Calling someone the R-word because he’s a conservative Christian is no different than calling someone the N-word because he’s black. I find that many people that throw around the R-word are racist.
Gerald Wolf
Spring Valley, Minn.
Willard Armbruster says
As far as I am concerned, there are only 2 skin colors among all human beings the first and by far the most important is clearly white and white automatically means that you are smarter, cleaner, more alert, inventive and highly capable of being both honest and trustworthy! White is the color of milk a necessary item for all new intelligent life coming into this world! I am a true believer in white superiority too! The only other skin color is brown and brown is also the color of shit! Yes there are many shades of brown skin but there are also many shades of shit and shit is always brown! Whenever I am unfortunate enough to have to look at a pathetic, ugly, thieving, desperate stinking brown person my mind always automatically is reminded about shit! Brown people remind me of shit because they are shit and also they stink even worse than shit! Shit is further the most repugnant detail of the human experience! It is a curse! The brown people are also a curse on America and oh how I will do anything to restore magnificent Donald Trump to the highest office in the world so that glorious wall can finally go up and the brown people will be on their side and we Americans will be eternally free from shit on our side! Never ever again will a brown piece of shit with eyes be able to get over that fantastic wall designed to protect us from shit! Since brown people are indeed nothing but shit, they have shit for brains and of course shit is always disgusting, dirty, nasty, rife with disease, dishonest and untrustworthy! The characteristics of shit are the same characteristics of all brown people who happen to be the same color as shit and hence are shit themselves! AMEN!
Ozymandius says
“Bill” is typical of progressives, whether he’d choose to label himself that or not. Notice that the particular irony of a forum such as this is that it is the content of our words that matters, not our demographic traits. “Bill” may or may not be his true name, we don’t know his race or where he / she / they / blah blah prefers to park his genitals, or even what his actual biological gender is. Hence, our opinions about him are not racial or sexist or xenophobic, etc. No, what we all think about him is based only on the content of his words.
Now, going to that content – notice that he merely insults the original post here but he does not make any kind of reasoned point. That is what I state is typical of leftists and especially progressives. It is also reflected in their preferred tactic of silencing those with whom they disagree rather than engaging them in debate.
Ford says
I agree with Kenny. Also, diversity is NOT a strength, and who created that slogan lie should be exposed as I am surer they have some political motive and know it is not a true statement.
In addition, people are all humans, but we are not all the same on many levels, including genetically. That is not my opinion, it is fact, and anyone can research it for themselves.. But were inundated with messages in the media concerning race that simply are not true, (like we are all the same), and any movement based on lies, will always be limited in its success, no matter how hard the media pushes it.
You have to wonder why all these race discussions in the media and in higher education, don’t address the fact that racism is more about behavior, not skin color. My guess would be because they are political and have an agenda, so they only put forth ideas that support that.
Bill says
This paper let’s some bat shit crazy stuff on their pages. This is a good example of that
Big MaMa says
I totally agree with both the letter and comment. I too, don’t judge by skin tone but by actions. People need to make peace with our history (right or wrong) and start trying to improve the future. My ancestors were here long before the Europeans brought slaves over but you don’t see me breaking into and setting fire to businesses. The sane protesters need to reign in the terrorists in their group. All they are accomplishing is making pro “police” dig their heels a little deeper.
Kenny says
I agree with you totally .All lives matter especially in God’s eyes.The past is in the past Stop blaming white people for what happened 200 years ago Read up on history. God bless America and the only kneeling that needs to be happening is for the cross.
Ken says