To the Editor,
It was thought now that the controversial Hillcrest Drive Project is mostly complete as I have received the official notice of my special assessment, and it is at a reduced rate, but still about six times greater that the annual real estate taxes on my home now!
At a recent council meeting, one council member asked if there was a more effective way to prepare property owners for similar projects as this one was not pretty.
The answer is simple and easy. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and listen to the real estate tax paying property owners who were opposed to the project. The infrastructure and street was new 50 years ago and there was never a problem. I would like to know how the mayor and two council members were convinced to vote for the unneccessary project.
Thank you Mr. Bunke and Mr. Honsey for using good judgement and voting no on the Hillcrest Drive Project.
Just some food for thought.
Bertram Boyum
Hillcrest Drive
Rushford, MN
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