To the Editor,
Donald Trump claims the election was rigged, the fix was on! He was robbed! Sorry Donny, you lost fair and square, big time. You lost because millions of good Republicans and real conservatives were fed up with your antics, vulgarities, tweeting, golfing, and total lack of leadership during the current pandemic. You ridiculed people for wearing masks, encouraged the use of magical treatments, even promoted ingesting bleach! You politicised “the China virus,” as you call it. This was picked up by many of the red state governors, where it is currently ravaging the populace. Yes, Donny boy, it was Republicans who beat you. Millions either voted for Biden or left the POTUS choice blank. They did however, support GOP candidates down ballot. They picked up at least 12 House seats, and Senate contests that were supposed to be close were won easily, (ie.) Ernst in Iowa, Maine, Alaska. Your demonizing an American hero, John McCain didn’t help either. Arizona went Democrat, with John’s widow Cindy McCain leading the charge. Republicans, led by McCain’s former campaign manager Steve Schmidt, formed the Lincoln Project, a Republican group dedicated to your downfall. Some folks were offended when you characterized Viet Nam dead as “losers,” Yes Cadet Bonespurs, offended when you referred to the thousands of dead doughboys who stopped the Germans in World War I as losers. Many hardworking Republicans didn’t appreciate the fact you only paid 750 bucks in taxes, and bragged about it. Real conservatives like David Frum, Kathleen Parker, George Will, The National Review may not have been pro Biden but they sure as heck weren’t for you!
In short, your Orangeship, you were 7 million votes short of Biden because of, wait for it, Republicans!
Jerry Grehl
Harmony, Minn.
Geoffrey Griffin says
Settle down Karen.
Russell Jackson says
Hey Jerry:
If you believe he manifesto of the DCP (Democratic Communist Party) and redistribution of income, dismantle police, the list goes on. Give me your money. I thought the DCP hated rich, white guys. So you supposedly voted one in. Good thing he hides from the press and also his membership from the Chinese Biden crime syndicate. Biden is the traitor for selling out the US. If you believe this country is such a bad place to live, move to China so you can embrace the socialist experience.
Topper says
Why you so mad bro?