To the Editor,
At this difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, many people have come up with ideas to keep spirits up and have things be as normal as possible. There’s another group that have been doing so, also. From the beginning they’ve been doing this every week. In the small community of Canton in southeastern Minnesota, the Presbyterian Church has had a service of sorts every Sunday. Charlie Warner and Leroy and Kathy Haynes set up on the church steps, play music, and do a short sermon and prayers.
It’s open to everyone. People bring their lawn chairs, sit in their cars, even on blankets in their yards, or their neighbor’s yards with them.
It usually starts about 10 a.m. and lasts about an hour. It can brighten someone’s day and have it be as normal as possible.
With winter not far away, I’d say come visit some Sunday to brighten your day, too.
Margo Shanks
Canton, Minn.
James Mcclain says
I don’t know who you are I’ve never heard anyone speak like this in a while if you honestly truth is that what country and I just don’t want to be here thinking you know what I don’t have to be like what I’m saying is if you can true to your heart and your God and you be honest of the people give us thing will be alright we’ll just got to stick together and we got to go first right and no socialism I don’t have much education but I know right from wrong I don’t know I have a god how are you doing in one day I hope but ma’am a ladies mister appreciate region what Euro I never had this before I just want to say thanks and God bless you if if you are honest and don’t lie the Lord said he hates a liar and they go to hell and that’s the truth my name is James McClain and out of it route I live in Winder Georgia