Letter about Jones commentary…
To the Editor,
Regarding September 14, 2020, commentary: “Alinsky rules for radical activists,” I am wondering if the earlier writer actually read the original: Rules For Radicals? In her commentary she states: “He, (the author) describes in detail the 12 rules that radical activists must use to accomplish their agenda.” I refer to the paperback Vintage Books, copyright 1971 by Saul Alinsky. Jones’s 12 quotations are correct except she substituted #13 for #10. Jones’s detailed interpretation of each of the 12 quotations is fabricated to fit some cranked up version that expresses her view rather than the author’s. Those interpretations are not Alinsky’s.
In my opinion his book is about how ethics has been manipulated. It would be a timely read for anyone as we experience today’s messages.
Jack Bratrud
Preston, Minn.
Lee Alinsky says
Ethics? What ethics? As Trump and his mafia gang (AKA: The republican senate) has most recently demonstrated, Ethics is nothing more then the useless subject of a polite dinner conversation where nothing of consequence is wasted on the expenditure of otherwise useful oxygen.