To the Editor,
Bipartisan immigration/border bills were rejected by Republicans in 2006, 2013, 2018 and now in 2024. Trump talked like he wanted an immigration/border bill in 2018 but then lost interest. Obviously, it was not important to him. Now Trump has told his puppets in Congress that there will be no border bill. The Republicans tried to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, for border issues while these same Republicans in Congress refused to do anything to fix border issues. It’s laughably pathetic hypocrisy. And now it appears that Trump and like-minded Republicans may abandon Ukraine, and that’s not funny. With our economy booming, Trump knows his only chance to get elected is with immigration paranoia. Since critical thinking is anathema to most Trump supporters, this immigration con is able to thrive endlessly. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that with greater recent immigration our economy will be enriched by $7 trillion and federal revenues will increase by $1 trillion over the coming 10 years. The new workers help to keep the cost of ag products reasonable and give businesses more workers to help provide decent service. Enjoy our economy and defend democracy.
Greg Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
Donna Hasleiet Halvorsen says
Okay, anonymous, let’s not bash all republicans, let’s focus on the guy who said i am going to build a wall, the most beautiful wall ever built. Then he forgot about it. Along comes 2020, no wall. Tommy fisher, a NDAK sand and gravel baron, wants to build the wall but his bids keep getting rejected. So he goes on FOX News to promote himself. Trump is smitten. he likes how he looks and how he talks. He pressures the Army Corps of eEngineers and Homeland Security to give him contracts and they do, millions worth. He doesn’t vet Tommy so he doesn’t know about the millions Arizona assessed in air quality violations etc, nor that his two sons while owners of the company were arrested for fraud and pornography. Tommy went to work without getting the necessary permits. Propublica and a Texas newspaper looked into it and concluded that the wall would fall into the river if it were not repaired. The contract was cancelled. Tommy signed onto a private wall project headed by Steve Bannon. Trump’s once top aide. The project was totally corrupt, with the organizers funneling donors money into their own pockets..
Anonymous says
Thanks for disparaging all Trump supporters.
Cody says
Just how much more tax payer money do you want to spend on war and death? Booming economy? It’s hard to afford a home today.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Cody:
//Just how much more tax payer money do you want to spend on war and death? Booming economy? It’s hard to afford a home today.//
That’s sort of how it works, Cody. When the economy crashed during the Bush years, what did housing prices do? Tanked. It’s hard to afford a home today because interest rates are up (not at all the highest they’ve ever been). Interest rates are up because inflation is up. Inflation went up originally because of the trade war with China, then Covid restrictions/supply chain issues, and now quite inarguably greedflation, where corporate profits are soaring as people pay higher prices for basic goods. That’s capitalism for you. Not government. In fact, this is what happens when you pay government to get out of business’s way. It allows them to avoid defanged watchdog groups for monopolistic behaviours. When the biggest companies control the supply chain, they get to control the prices. Therefore, spending is up. Have you seen the record stock markets lately?
So, what exactly do you mean to suggest that the economy isn’t booming? It certainly is. This is the economy rich people wanted. The one they lobbied congress and paid big bucks to campaigns for. Some Democrats. Most Republicans. If you want to help fight this, vote for someone who wants to create laws that prohibit dark money from entering politics, instead of those who rely on it.