To the Editor,
Durning Lent and now Holy Week I have been thinking a lot about how greed and hate can destroy at every level of society, and it exists at every level. I know, as I have experienced it. At least the hate has only been verbal, so I have not been afraid. (Maybe being white and a male helps.) I have also seen greed at a personal and local level.
Why greed? Does it make for more happiness? I think not. Always at some level of greed, happiness does not increase. Maybe it goes the opposite direction with more worries.
The last few years, Finland has been called the happiest nation. It is not a country of great wealth. Most people are of very moderate means. Did Jesus ever tell us to build great mountains of wealth?
I think not. He told us to give up what we had and follow him.
And what about hate? Did Jesus ever tell you to hate your neighbor?
He told us to love our neighbor. When a stranger knocks on our door we are to invite hm in, not call the police.
Hate goes all the way to the top. Immigrants have been called “animals”.
We are all decendents of immigrants. Were our decedents animals?
Palestinians are hated today by many. Some people in high places want them eliminated.
Jesus is on many people’s minds but it seems, not in their hearts.
The holiest of Christian holidays is upon us. We must remember what it is all about.
Harvey Benson
Harmony, Minn.
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