Letter about
electing someone new…
To the Editor,
With our economy as bad as it is now, our current senator had four chances to improve it: the regular session and three special sessions… and still no bonding bill. It would have created jobs for many people. Sure, the stock market is doing quite well, but what about the people who do not have money to invest? A lot of people live from paycheck to paycheck. If they have a job, they have to decide whether to buy food, medicine, or make a mortgage payment. Sarah Kruger is a sensible young woman who will bring fresh ideas to St. Paul. Senator Miller doesn’t seem to want to compromise or to come to any agreement to get the job done. I think it’s time to elect someone new. Having farmed for 60 years and having been a township officer for 25 years, I believe that Sarah Kruger is that person!
Robert Knutson
Lanesboro, Minn.
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