To the Editor,
Alima Fairchild quote from January 22 Fillmore County Journal. Remember the letter I wrote you a while back, requesting that only positive and reasoned statements be accepted for publication. “Still quoting, “It’s the election year now. Time to solicit statements that tend to unify, rather repetitive denigration of the beliefs and politics of the majority by those who have no better ideas to present.”
Oh my gosh, the paragraph before these two laid out exactly what the Democrats love to do.
Quote: “Not to mention the Republican Party is a victim of the self serving actions and words of Donald Trump. No sane person will vote to put him back in office.”
Guess what! Fairchild 61% of Fillmore County and 56% of Houston County voted for Trump in 2020. I don’t think we’re all insane.
This hypocrisy is ingrained in so many heads. The hate is sickening from your party.
Walter Wilkemeyer
Houston, Minn.
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