To the Editor,
As a dairy farmer with an approved feedlot permit here in Section 24 Canton TWS, Fillmore County and living only 2.5 miles from the proposed 1,900 animal unit hog facility, I believe Caltalpa LLC, the group building this facility, should be required to conduct an EIS (Environmental Impact Study) before they are allowed to build.
With our karst geology, sinkholes can appear anywhere, anytime. A detailed and careful EIS should be conducted so as to insure the preservation of the ground water and surface water of our part of the state. In addition, pumping 8-9 million gallons of water from the local aquifer to water these pigs and handle their manure is a concern for all area farmers and land owners that have private wells. This facility and its impact should have a detailed study. This study would show if this facility will work in our area.
We need to preserve the unique quality of this part of Minnesota for tourism, agriculture and for the 20,000 people that live here in this county. There is not going to be an option for a do-over if this facility causes problems.Please contact the MPCA (Mn Pollution Control Agency) (651) 296-6300 or (800) 657-3864 and ask that the Caltalpa LLC hog facility be required to conduct an Environmental Impact Study.
Vance Haugen
Canton, Minn
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