To the Editor,
I know of a young man who’s mother slapped him across the face and said “Don’t you ever say that again” when he told her what a priest had done to him. The priest that molested him wasn’t just a pervert but his real problem was that he was a tyrant. The young boy could have prevented dozens of other boys from getting abused by this man if he had stood on the sidewalk in front of church every Sunday and shouted “Fr. Adamson is a pervert” and followed him from town to town across southern Minnesota protesting as the diocese moved him from place to place. This single persistent and unyielding voice would have surely brought justice upon Adamson. But instead he never spent a day behind bars. The men in my community and community after community after community were cowards that shut up instead of standing against authority. Today there are new criminals in authority. All authority and leadership today is either tyrannical, abusive, ignorant, or cowardly. Just as no one has a right to silence the truth about a child molesting priest, so no one has the right to silence the truth about crimes against humanity. God does not call everyone to speak out against tyranny. Of those that He calls not everyone hears. Of those that hear not all respond. I’ll respond and will not let corruption persist. Even when my neighbors, family, and community slap me up, I will not shut up until the problems and those that defend them are behind bars.
“Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness…” Act 17:30-31
Gerald Wolf
Spring Valley
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