To the Editor,
Another commentary from Jeff Erding still grinding away on how radical and leftist Democrats are. I thought maybe he wanted to reintroduce 1953’s McCarthyism where most anyone that ever attended a socialist gathering was suspected of being communist, but no, he now pinpoints only radical leftist Democrats have Marxist/Socialist leanings. Being a Democrat for many years, it never dawned on me that being a Democrat also brought on the title of radical leftist socialist Democrat.
Gee, Jeff! The Democratic Party has always been active. We had a Democratic president from1932-1948; in that period of time the Democrats, as lead, handled the 1929 Depression successfully, created the 1935 Social Security Act and was the lead in dealing with World War II from 1941 to 1945 without any U.S. mainland-attempted invasions. In 1945, with a Democratic lead, a proposed and backed GI Bill was enacted that took returning veterans out of the pool hall and put them in college, resulting in a strong middle class and parents of the future baby boomers. Labor unions were around as early as the 1700s, but it was the 1930’s Democratic Party and the New Deal that fought for the right for employees to organize labor unions that gave blue collar workers a voice and decent pay. In 1965, Democratic Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare Act for seniors. A 2008 Democratic president took the lead on solving the bungled banking mess of 2008 and the Democrats will probably solve the crisis of 2020. Those Democrats are sure a threat to our American way of life.
Nancy Bratrud
Preston, Minn.
Gerald Boyum says
1. According to the Venona Papers, McCarthy was correct. There were a large number of American politicians and government payrollers who were mentioned in intercepts of Soviet messages. This investigation cleared some people accused of disloyalty to the US, but it nailed plenty of others.
2. “Being a Democrat for many years,”.
Then you must not be paying attention at all to what has happened to this party that was once led by Harry Truman and Jack Kennedy who were staunch anti-communists and of course, pro-American all the way. There were differences, of course, but both party members loved America, its founding ideals, and worked to make it better as you’ve pointed out, with the exception of your last two sentences. What was, and is, “fundamental transformation” all about? I’ll be glad to answer that question if you don’t!
Now, it’s the party of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Kamala Harris, and other un-American radical leftists who’ve hijacked this party which is rapidly becoming a party of Marxist/socialists die hards. Instead of concentrating on what made America great and how to preserve them, these Dem. Socialists want to tear down our Christian/Biblical foundation and heritage, and replace them with godless Marxism, an ideological foundation that has failed wherever it’s been tried in the real world, and sometimes catastrophically. Over 100 million people were murdered by their governments in the 20th century alone, while millions more were tortured and living in poverty.
3. As you’ve stated, you don’t consider yourself as a “radical leftist socialist..”, however, that sure raises the question: if you are not one, then why would you vote for them, especially now when it should be clear as to what political ideology they support and what they will try to implement if elected- continuation of the “fundamental transformation” of America. For the record, anyone who wants to do that must dislike or even hate the current America.
4. Oh yes, the Democratic Party members have been “active”. Now, let’s tell “the rest of the story!” Here is some of the history of this so-called “party of the people”, as discussed in “The Real ‘Socialist’ Democratic Party” by Leon Puissegur”
– Alabama Public Safety Commissioner Bull Connor, who unleashed dogs and fire hoses on civil-rights protesters in 1963, was a member of the Democratic National Committee and the Ku Klux Klan.
– Three-fourths of the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill in the House of Representatives came from Democrats, as did four-fifths of the Senate opposition. Opposition included future Democratic Senate leader Robert Byrd (former Klan member) and Senator Albert Gore, Al Gore’s father.
– Three post-Civil War Democratic presidents (Cleveland, Wilson, and FDR) agreed to leave issues of segregation and lynching unaddressed in return for election support.
– The Democratic Convention in 1924, held in New York’s Madison Square Garden, has been called by historians the “Klanbake” because hundreds of the delegates there were members of the Ku Klux Klan. A plank condemning KKK violence was unwaveringly rejected. Then 10,000 or so hooded Klansmen staged a massive rally complete with burning crosses and calls for violence against blacks and Catholics.
– From 1868 – 1948, there were 20 Democratic Party platforms that either openly supported segregation or were silent on the subject.
– The infamously racist “Jim Crow laws of the post-Civil War era—mandating segregation in virtually all public settings throughout the South- were passed enthusiastically by Democrats.
– Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which was passed by a Republican Congress over the veto of President Andrew Johnson, who had been a Democrat before joining Abraham Lincoln’s Republican ticket in 1864. The law gave blacks with the right to own private property, sign contracts, file lawsuits, and serve as witnesses in a legal proceeding.
5. Don’t you find it strange that proponents of socialism don’t explain why socialism has failed everywhere it’s been tried, sometimes catastrophically, other than “this time we’ll do it right because we’re so smart”! And no, Scandinavian countries are not socialistic- they have capitalist economies with extensive social (welfare) programs.
6. There definitely is a big difference between social programs and socialism. Social programs like Social Security and Medicare can be implemented under any political system, even communism. On the other hand, socialism is a political and economic system that involves:
– A large, central government with unlimited political power (ultimate authority) which will be required to achieve their ultimate goal of universal material equality. That’s what all the lying, deception, character attacks, etc. are all about- political power. Any means are justified by the end result.
– Individual rights will be determined by “The State” based on the value of contributions to society and recorded as “social credits”- as used in Communist China. If rights are determined by “The State”, they are not unalienable- they can be taken away. We are seeing this here already with attacks on freedom of religion and speech, right to bear arms in self defense, etc. The bigger the government, the lesser the individual!
– Government control/ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods and services (factories, mines, farms, forests, transportation, etc.) From each according to his ability to each according to his needs. Now who do you think will determine “ability” and “needs”? The ones owning/managing the means of production, of course, who are “more equal” than the “workers”. Socialist believe that man is basically good, and leaders will always act to benefit the “common good”. If anyone is so naïve to believe that, there is a lot of ocean front property in Arizona for sale-cheap!
– Private ownership of property and capitalism are banned because they contribute to inequality and greed. However, there are no incentives to work hard and use initiative to “get ahead” and enjoy the fruits of labor and creativity if it’s taken away. Just ask the North Koreans. When we toured Romania, we had a chance to talk to people who were given a couple of days to vacate their farm after the Communists took over- it now belongs to the State! Others who owned more housing space than they were allotted were required to take in homeless people.
– The only means of “getting ahead” is to adhere to the party line and become a “party hack” or even a “czar”.
7. Much to the credit of over 2/3rd of Americans, they’ve seen through the lies and misinformation put out by the leftist propaganda ministry (political activists masquerading as “free media” journalists and analysts) and will vote for Trump and America. Voting for Biden and Dem. Socialists is like hiring an arsonist to help fight fires!
Caryl Exner says
Well said Nancy, thank you for speaking in public. This is what a democracy is for to be able share ideas, facts, and hopefully only truths out loud in public. We can do this with respect. You sure did.
Thanks again neighbor.
Herbert Panko says
Excellent points, Nancy!! Right on the mark!! And don’t forget the Affordable Care Act instituted by Obama and the Democrats. All great social programs originate with Democrats