To the Editor,
In the January 1 issue of the Fillmore County Journal, Mr. Gudmundson had a letter in which he discussed some issues I don’t understand and I’d like to ask some explaining from him. I’ll only ask for a few explanations.
First, he said the last Minnesota legislative session passed some evil legislation. Tell me, what is evil and what was passed that was evil?
Felons on probation can now vote. Why was that wrong? Going to prison should not take away one’s right to vote.
Illegal persons can have health care. If an illegal person came to your door and needed urgent medical care, would you let him die on your doorstep?
And, the same people can now get a driver’s license. How else can they get to work? I needed a license in order to drive to work and maybe you did also.
Every child is entitled to breakfast and lunch. Would you have children starve? What do you have against children?
This I really don’t understand.
Awaiting your answers,
Harvey Benson
Harmony, Minn.
Gerald J. Boyum says
Here is what Albert Einstein said about this topic:
“Any government is evil if it carries within it the tendency to deteriorate into Tyranny. The danger of such deterioration is more acute in a country in which the government has the authority not over the armed forces, but also every channel of education and information.”
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”‘:
Edmund Burke said essentially the same thing with his “All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.”
Just in case anyone has a problem with which party ideology the quotes are directed at, just read the comments made by Rock/Cow, Cody and Kim Wentworth.
David R Webb MD says
“Been there, done that.” Have spent many hours in the OR sewing up wounds and putting back together broken arms and legs of undocumented persons. Including on Christmas days away from my family. Received no “compensation” other than the knowledge of having been able to use the skills with which I was gifted to help fellow human beings in need. And no, certainly did not call ICE, or MIGRA as it was known back in the day.
BTW, many undocumented persons are refugees, not immigrants, and are “illegal” only because the US is not living up to its treaty obligations for treating asylum seekers.
Rock/Cow per Walz says
Hope many “illegals” are presently living in your house right now? Why don’t you take them in? Liberals talk the talk, but do not walk the walk. And felons the right to vote. What about the “voting rights” of the person a murderer killed? Apparently, those victims do not count. Maybe the next time I visit your office for a checkup I will tell you I am an illegal and you will not send me a bill. I am sick and tired of the illegals being put first/ahead above US citizens. But what do I know. Now I am a “white colonizer” according to the MN DFL party to go along with all of the other categories. So much DFL being the party of “tolerance”. Also, where was the MN DFL party when I had to pay for my college tuition. I am waiting for the MN DFL party this year to past no cash bail and close all of the prisons. Instead of having any police, just hire “social workers” to enforce the laws. As long as you are a criminal, their rights will be placed above law abiding citizens. I used to go visit MPLS and St Paul. But since the riots, excuse me peaceful protests, I do not go to Minneapolis or St Paul anymore.
Cody says
Farmers, ranchers, plumber’s, electricians, gas station attendants, custodians, truck drivers etc… have all “Been there done that” and worked Christmas without any added and in some cases, no compensation. My guess is overall that Doctors compensation is higher than the aforementioned. BTW. many of those illegally crossing this countries borders are fighting age men who DO NOT have their best interests in this country. Just maybe some of those you set bones and stitched were felons. Want to live in this country? Do it legally. I have to follow the laws, why don’t they?
David R Webb, MD says
Cody, You make a couple points that deserve a thoughtful response. First, I certainly did not intend to present myself as some paragon of virtue. I merely thought to relate my own personal experience as it pertained to Harvey’s original question about anyone at my door “who needed urgent medical care.” Kudos to all the farmers, ranchers, plumbers, electricians, teamsters, etc. who have generously donated their time, goods, and services free of charge to folks in need. Second, to be sure, over several decades time, I have taken care of folks who had run afoul of the law. Some were in custody at the time. Likely, there were more that had or would be lawbreakers that I didn’t and don’t know about. Of those I did know about, all were to the best of my recollection, natural-born US citizens. Given the fact that crime rates, including especially violent crime rates, among refugees and immigrants are lower than those for natural-born citizens, I wasn’t particularly worried for my safety when treating undocumented persons.
Cody says
Give it time concerning statistics on illegal aliens committing violent crimes less often than US citizens. Those statistics per/capita may not be accurate. Any statistic this administration gives, I would be dubious of. Remember, when they illegally crossed our border they became criminals period!!
Kim Wentworth says
If I may:
Letting all felons the ability to vote is an asinine idea most probably thought up by one party to cultivate new votes. There are consequences for unlawful acts correct or is that a yesterday thing?
Illegals right’s, plz try to explain that. If you enter the country and it’s not a legal point of entry, that’s breaking the law!! They have the right to be safely returned to the border. Every day the news covers horrific events caused by illegals to our citizens. I’ll let someone else address the silliness of illegals with driver license.
The free meals for everyone is a prime example of the nanny state gone wild. Was that passed for the need of the people or for simply cultivating votes?
Your prez can fix the border mess in one day, I know this because he destroyed the southern border in one day, his first day when he signed his executive orders reversing the Trump policies. Facts are facts, we now have a stark contrast between what works and what doesn’t work.
Kim Wentworth says
Currently, U.S. law states no person is allowed to enter the United States through non lawful points of entry. The president has the power to solve the issue in one day. Remember, a person entering our country illegally are breaking our laws first and foremost. The ONLY term is illegal aliens, if that offends someone, my advice would simply be to say grow up!!
Cody says
Harvey allow me to ask a question. I appreciate your concern for children, I’m curious to know what your stance is on the unborn and their rights? I have a license as well ,but I’m a legal citizen of the United States. It seems illegal’s have better and more affordable (free)healthcare than tax paying citizens. I’ve see this myself. Yes, if an illegal showed up at my door and was in need of medical I’d help them and then call ICE. Hope Stan can explain this to you better.