Letter about a hoax…
To the Editor,
I was a combat infantry officer in Vietnam. Anyone who would call me a sucker or a loser must be a hoax.
Richard Wolfgramm
Lanesboro, Minn.
Letter about a hoax…

"Where Fillmore County News Comes First"
Letter about a hoax…
To the Editor,
I was a combat infantry officer in Vietnam. Anyone who would call me a sucker or a loser must be a hoax.
Richard Wolfgramm
Lanesboro, Minn.
Gerald J. Boyum says
1. Here again is another example of “the truth as stated by Leftists is close to the exact opposite of what they say in their attempts to influence the 2020 election”. They will do anything to undermine military support for Trump. The tip offs here should be obvious to anyone”; i.e., “reputable news outlets, all citing anonymous sources…”. Now isn’t that convenient? However, Pres. Trump appropriately has called our great fallen soldiers as HEROES. Named sources who were at a ceremony to honor at the American Cemetery near Paris: i.e., Dan Scavino and Sarah Sanders: “Complete lies by anonymous sources that were ‘dropped’ just as he begins to campaign…”.
2. Then there are 235 former military leaders who’ve signed a letter supporting Trump: “As senior leaders of America’s military, we took an oath to defend the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.[As all of us officers did] At present, our country is now confronted with enemies here and abroad, as well as a once-in-a-century pandemic. As retired military officers, we believe that Donald J. Trump has been tested as few other presidents have been and is the proven leader to confront these dangers.” The letter warns that those dangers include the growing acceptance of radical leftist ideology. These leaders claimed that the Democratic party’s positions regarding border security, Iran nuclear deal, and policing also threaten U.S. national security. They go on to state that Joe Biden’s record on the military and veterans is one of failure: “debilitating budget cuts, failed foreign policy decisions, and an inability to provide our nation’s heroes with the quality health care they deserve.” I salute and applaud them for their letter indicating what the real story is here! Trump is an American President who wholeheartedly supports America and the military which is charged with that critical priority!
3. No, you nor anyone else (myself included; served 30 years in the AF with 6 years in Germany during the Cold War, and 1 year in Thailand) are anything but losers and suckers as are all the personnel who’ve served in our military forces starting with the Continental Army- heroes, patriots, and certainly those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The radical Left who are the real losers and threat to our way of life and Constitution from the beginning, have been anti-military and are the ones who’ve who actually have used such words, as well as others like “baby killers”. We should not forget John Kerry’s “Winter Soldier” testimony to Congress which a defected Soviet KGB stated that they wrote his speech which was given almost verbatim. By the way, he supposedly served only 4 months over there. Then, of course there is “Hanoi Jane Fonda” who should have been told to stay over there- your passport has been revoked!
4. Pres. Trump has been an avid supporter in words and actions of our military and veterans, and has acted to:
– Rebuild a depleted military with $2.5 trillion for planes, ships, etc.
– Launched Space Force to counteract potential enemies with their space weaponization efforts (working on systems to shoot down our satellites and other capabilities in space. Cancelling our shuttle program to “save money” would have set us up for a potential “Pearl Harbor” situation that would dwarf the real one which was a result of “saving money”- military strategy determined by political objectives?
– Completely overhauled the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.
– Assist military families and prevent veteran suicides.
5. The radical Left (socialists/communists) will do practically anything to downgrade Trump’s support including the military, so lying, smearing and distortion are standard procedures. Again, it is a case of the actual truth being close to the exact opposite of what these leftist propagandists say or write. Much to their credit, over 2/3rds of Americas have recognized this and as a minimum, ignore what comes from people who are supporting those who are striving for complete political power and the personal gain that comes with it.
6. The choice should be clear for anyone who loves America: Trump with his support for the political ideology based on Judeo-Christian teaching, some of which are imbedded in our Founding Documents that has produced the greatest country to ever have existed or Biden who will be nothing but a puppet for the radical Left supporting an ideology based on godless Marxism that has failed every time it’s been tried in the real world- sometimes catastrophically. People should understand that there is something drastically wrong with an ideology with such a world track record, and that require force or the threat of force, censorship, negative propaganda, indoctrination, false pie-in-the-sky promises, etc. to influence “elections” if they are actually held.