By Tiffany Timm
The LeRoy-Ostrander FFA will celebrate 2025 FFA Week with a variety of items throughout the week!! Due to Presidents’ Day being on Monday there is no school, but many FFA members and L-O students/staff will be finding their dress up clothes for the upcoming days that week!! Dress up days for the week have yet to be determined due to officer meetings. However, no matter what the days are the students and staff that dress up each day will get a goodie at lunch for participating!
During the week other events going on will be daily FFA trivia during announcements, search for the FFA medallion hidden on school property somewhere, a faculty judging contest to test knowledge of judging livestock and more, appreciation will be given in the form of donuts and more items to the district bus/van drivers and all district staff. Plus, the FFA will be selling either sherbet or ice cream cups this year during elementary/middle school/high school lunches and donating funds to a special cause the L-O FFA has selected.
On Wednesday, February 19th from 7-9 a.m. will be the FFA Scholarship Pancake Breakfast served in the Ag room and shop (it is a freewill donation). All funds raised from this event help to replenish the chapter scholarship fund. Then to complete the week is the Grand FFA Pep Fest on Friday afternoon that will feature students and staff having tons of fun doing various competitions!!
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