The Kingsland School Board met in regular session October 16, with Doug Plaehn, Ann Oeltjen, Jackie Horsman, Tiffany Mundfrom, Heather Betts, and Interim Superintendent James Hecimovich in attendance. Deb Larson was absent. The board voted to accept the resignation of Larson from the board, effective October 31. She is resigning due to health issues. The board voted to direct the superintendent to advertise for the vacancy until 4 p.m. on Wednesday, November 8. The replacement board member will be appointed at the board meeting on November 20, and will fill the term through 2018. Board members asked if there would be criteria and/or significant training requirements for the new board member, and Hecimovich said, “No, the MSBA suggested keeping it as simple as possible” in cases such as this where a new board member will be appointed to fill out a term.
The board heard from Cathy Enerson, representing the Community Economic Development Authority. She gave a presentation on the proposed infant/child care center, which Kingsland has previously considered. Enerson pointed out that the financial numbers are geared at making the center a “break-even, with the benefit of retaining young families” who might otherwise go elsewhere in search of day care.
Regarding the child care center, Tiffany Mundfrom said, “I think it’s something we should look into.” Jackie Horsman felt it was “a lot of information to make a hasty decision” and she shared her concerns about how a deficit would be made-up in the case of the day care center losing money. It was explained that in such a situation, the center would be “bailed out” by Kingsland’s general fund. Horsman stated her feeling that, “I can’t take out of our classrooms for it.”
The board asked various questions of Enerson and Becky Bicknese, who explained that the financial numbers shown were from last year, so costs may need to be adjusted upward slightly. The board chose to set a special meeting to consider the child care center option. The meeting will be held October 23 at 6:30 p.m.
Business Manager Amber Uhlenhake gave an update on Kingsland’s budget for the current fiscal year to date, pointing out that enrollment is 20 students ahead of what was budgeted. She also said the annual audit will be shared at the regular board meeting in November, and she explained that the Payable 2019 Levy has an overall decrease of 2.83%.
Heather Betts gave a summary of the most recent meeting of the Finance/Facilities/Personnel committee meeting, and Jackie Horsman summarized the Policy/PR/Curriculum committee meeting. Hecimovich gave public thanks to the Booster Club for a $1,000 donation to the Key Club and Builders Club, Spring Valley Ministerial Association for donation of $800 to the milk program, Church of St. Columban in Preston for donation of $25 to the elementary milk program, St. Ignatius for $250 donation to Targeted Services, and SMF (Kingsland’s Work Comp company) for a $1,295.75 grant for custodial safety.
Students Madison Reiland and Renee Lechner gave an update on recent and upcoming happenings for the FFA club. No visitors had signed up to address the board in the Public Comments portion of the meeting.
The special meeting mentioned above is set for October 23 at 6:30 p.m. The Policy/PR/Curriculum committee will meet November 6 at 5 p.m., and the Finance/Facility/Personnel committee will meet November 13 at 6 p.m. The meeting adjourned about 7:30 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be Monday, November 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room. As always, the public is welcome.
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