In Attendance: Steve Snyder, Mark Holmen, Sarah Peterson, Kevin Horihan, Lucas Bergo, Matt Schultz, Wanda Hanson
- Call to Order at 7:00pm by Snyder
- Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Public Input: Tamara DeGarmo
- Seat New Board Members:
- Sarah Peterson
- Lucas Bergo
- Mark Holmen
- Approve Agenda:
Moved by Horihan; 2nd Holmen; Pass
- Board Organization:
- Election of Chair
Nominee(s): Steve Snyder Vote: Passed
- Election of Vice Chair
Nominee(s): Mark Holmen Vote: Passed
- Election of Clerk
Nominee(s): Sarah Peterson Vote: Passed
- Election of Treasurer Nominee(s): Steve Storhoff
- Approve day, time, and location for regular board meetings as the 2nd
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Lanesboro Schools Forum.
Moved by Peterson; 2nd Horihan; Passed
- Other Business
- Approve the designation of Merchants Bank of Lanesboro as the District
Depository Moved by Horihan; 2nd Snyder; Passed
- Approve board’s (a) legal counsel and (b) contacts as the following
- a) General Business as Nethercut Schieber PA and School Law as
Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger, PA
- b) Superintendent and Board Chair
Moved by Holmen; 2nd Horihan; Passed
- Approve Fillmore County Journal as the Official Newspaper
Moved by Bergo; 2nd Holmen; Passed
- Motion to Table setting the school board members’ compensation
Moved by Snyder; 2nd Peterson; Passed
- Appoint board committee members
- a) Policy – Holmen and Horihan
- b) Finance, Facilities, and Long-Range Planning – Storhoff and Bergo
- c) Advisory – Peterson
- d) Personnel – Snyder and Storhoff
Moved by Snyder; 2nd Holmen; Passed
- Appoint board representatives
- a) MSHSL – Storhoff
- b) Education District – Horihan
- c) Economic Development – Peterson
- d) Legislative Liaison – Holmen
Moved by Snyder; 2nd Peterson; Passed
VII. Approve Minutes of December 11, 2024 Regular Board Meeting:
Moved by Horihan; 2nd Holmen; Passed
VIII. Approve Monthly Revenues and Expenditures:
Moved by Bergo; 2nd Horihan; Passed
- Board Reports:
- Finance, Facilities, & Long-Range Planning Committee
- HVED Report
- City Committee Liaison
- Superintendent’s Report:
- Personnel Items
- Approval of hiring
- Jane Holien – Paraprofessional
Moved by Holmen; 2nd Horihan; Passed
- Approval of resignation
- Frankie Kohn-Nelson – Paraprofessional
Moved by Peterson; 2nd Snyder; Passed
XII. New Items
- Approval to direct the superintendent to make recommendations for
adjustments in curriculum, programs, and staff for the following school year.
Moved by Holmen; 2nd Bergo; Passed
- Resolution to approve gifts to Lanesboro School District:
Moved by Horihan; 2nd Peterson; Passed by Roll Call
Roll Call: Y Snyder; __Storhoff; Y Peterson; Y Holmen; Y Horihan; Y Bergo
XIII. Informational Items
XIV. Other
- Adjourn: Moved by Holmen; 2nd Horihan; Passed
Sarah Peterson, Clerk
Date 2/12/2025
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