At the April 15 Lanesboro School Board meeting, Superintendent Matt Schultz reported that 36-37 kindergarten students are enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year at Lanesboro school. Just two years ago, the prediction was that the kindergarten enrollment number would be 20 students for this upcoming school year. “It’s a positive development,” Schultz said. Over the past school year, a large number of students have enrolled across the grades.
The Lanesboro seniors were able to go on their senior class trip to Florida at the beginning of April. “It sounds like they had a really good time,” Superintendent Schultz reported, adding that they all came back healthy. The district is making plans for a modified prom, awards ceremony, and graduation this year. Schultz was happy to report that the district has not experienced much of an impact from COVID-19 over the last few months.
The facilities project is continuing to go well. The asphalt for the parking lots will be completed in May. The commons/cafeteria is ready to to be used by students as soon as the inspection is done. One of the board members asked what each of the two gyms will be called to distinguish them from each other. Superintendent Schultz said that the original gymnasium will be called the main gym and the new one will be called the east gym.
Board member Sarah Peterson recently attended a Lanesboro EDA meeting and learned that the veterans home project in Preston will definitely be moving forward. It is anticipated that the increased housing needs for the workforce there will trickle down to the whole Fillmore County area, including Lanesboro, which will affect the school district as well.
Bonnie Engen was hired to work in the school kitchen. Resignations from preschool teacher Lena Bergo and daycare employee Cynthia Ruen were approved.
Board member Steve Snyder gave a report on the superintendent evaluation timeline. Schultz was hired five years ago with a two-year contract and then was given a three-year contract after that. It’s time to renew his contract for another three years. Snyder said that the board has been happy with how Schultz handled the last year dealing with COVID and the facility project at the same time. “Overall, we were very pleased with his performance,” Snyder said about the recent evaluation. The evaluation was approved as well as Schultz’s contract.
Two-year contracts were approved for Elementary Principal James Semmen, Secondary Principal Brett Clarke, and Dean of Students Jody Peterson.
The board approved a motion allowing Superintendent Schultz to begin development of the strategic planning process for the fall of 2021. “It’s an important part of what we do and it guides what I do everyday and I hope it guides the rest of the staff as well,” he said.
The next Lanesboro School Board meeting will be held on May 20 at 7 p.m.
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