Kingsland school board held a “work session” meeting on August 11. Members participating included Jackie Horsman, Natasha Howard, Gwen Howard, Maranda Emig, Pamela Freet, and Superintendent James Hecimovich. Kyle Rader was absent.
The board had lengthy discussion on the Safe Learning Plan for the upcoming school year. The COVID pandemic is the main consideration in determining if any changes are needed to the plan. Because there are a number of recommendations, but so far, no mandates, the board intends to consider the plan for approval at the August 16 meeting. Consensus among the board was that because the pandemic is an ever-moving target, it is likely that Kingsland may have to make changes throughout the school year. Superintendent Hecimovich has been granted authority to make changes as needed when urgent, while issues that can wait until a board meeting will be brought to the full board for a decision.
Building and Grounds Director Jason Thompson’s report included, “Our summer cleaning is going well, we have been able to accomplish so much with our new floor care equipment. We have completed our first pass stripping the finish off all of the main floor hallways. We will need to make a second pass due to wax buildup in corners and along the edges. All classrooms have now been cleaned and floors refinished.”
The report by Community Education Dirtector Becky Bicknese stated that the enrollment for preschool for the 2021-2022 school year includes 14 in the 3-4 year old group, and 41 in the 4-5 year old group. She also reported that the SACC group has taken field trips to the Spam Museum, Oxbow Park, Zoo, and Bowlocity, and that the field trips have been a big success. Bicknese’s report also stated, “Summer Food Service Program: When school starts we will move to SSO (Seamless Summer Option) for free meals to students for the 2021-22 school year.” Hecimovich shared that Kingsland strongly encourages families to fill out and submit applications for free/reduced meals, even though everyone will get free meals, because this is how Kingsland qualifies for some additional funding.
The Foodservice report, submitted by Judy Tart, stated that there are current job openings, and that, “We have received four applications so far. Interviews will start August 9. We are hoping to hire two or three candidates.”
Dustin Tart’s Transportation report included, “Have most of the busses washed and cleaned and checked over, just need to finish up a few loose ends. Starting to get the routes in order and driving them to see if the times work. Brailey put an ad in for more drivers and had a few that inquired but no for sure drivers yet.” Hecimovich added that school bus driver can be an excellent job fit for semi-retired or retired persons who simply want a little extra income.
K-6 Principal Scott Klavetter submitted a report that included, “Our K-6 STEAM class (Mrs. Oeltjen’s class) will be renamed Idea Lab on our elementary course offerings beginning this fall. Mrs. Oeltjen was hired to teach PLTW at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, and at that time, we asked her to start incorporating some art concepts into the course along with the PLTW content. Mrs. Oeltjen has done such a phenomenal job creating curriculum aligned to our state standardsand local needs and interests that it no longer made financial sense to continue paying the annual subscription fee for access to Project Lead the Way’s content and branding rights.” Klavetter’s report also noted that New Teacher Orientation will be Monday, August 23, and that Smart Start Conferences will be offered on the evenings of August 31 and September 1.
Hecimovich informed the board that two individuals have filed to run for the upcoming board vacancy, which will be voted on at the special election on November 2. He explained, “We are doing a combined polling place at the Spring Valley Community Center.” He added that this type of special election usually doesn’t see a large voter turnout, and that the position is for s three-year term.
The Kingsland board’s next meeting will be a regular session on Monday, August 16, at 6 p.m. The next work session will be Wednesday, September 8 at 6 p.m. Kingsland continues to offer the option for anyone to “attend” via Zoom technology.
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