The Kingsland School Board met in regular session September 18, with Doug Plaehn, Ann Oeltjen, Jackie Horsman, Heather Betts, and Interim Superintendent James Hecimovich in attendance. Deb Larson and Tiffany Mundfrom were absent.
The board discussed the option of seeking bids for the district’s transportation needs, and voted to seek and accept bids. Plaehn pointed out that Kingsland will “still reserve the right to reject all bids” after they are received. The board also certified the Tax Levy for Payable 2018 at the maximum amount, noting that it can be lowered later. The annual Truth in Taxation hearing was set for December 18 at 6:01 p.m.
The board scheduled a study session regarding longterm facility maintenance for September 25 at 6 p.m. This session will be coordinated with Knutson Engineering. The board also OK’d the Teacher Contract Ratification, which calls for a salary and benefit cost increase of 5.1% to the school district over a two-year period.
Heather Betts gave a summary of the most recent meeting of the Finance/Facilities/Personnel committee meeting. Jackie Horsman summarized the September 9 meeting of the Policy/PR/Curriculum committee meeting. Kingsland’s “Wall of Honor” event will be November 3 this year, so that it will be a “stand alone” event. Horsman also noted that Kingsland’s 25th anniversary is upcoming, and events will be scheduled.
Hecimovich gave public thanks to the ECFE Parent Advisory Council for donating $503.41 to SACC and $503.41 to preschool for classroom supplies and snacks, volunteers at the Ag Days bounce houses (raising funds for SACC, preschool, and ECFE), Spring Valley Ministerial Association and Greenleafton Church for donation of supplies, Valley Christian Center and Pastor James Leonard for treats brought in for staff, and to the following who donated their time to clean up the courtyard: Ronda Anderson, Becky, Zach, Sasha and Timmy Bicknese; Alex Gleason, Stephanie Herschberger, Alyssa Humpal, Scott Klavetter, Heather Lawson, Megan Lipkie, Shirley Miller, Kelly Opseth, Klarissa Schoppers, Leah Stier, Anne Jo and Jordan Voorhees.
Students Madison Reiland and Renee Lechner gave an update on recent and upcoming happenings for the FFA club. They shared that FFA helped with Farm Bureau Day at Rochester, and that FFA members showed animals at the Fillmore County Fair (and some at the State Fair). They also mentioned some upcoming events such as National FFA Convention (end of October), and that their club is or will be involved in more service projects, including Ronald McDonald House, and Adopt-a-Highway.
No visitors had signed up to address the board. The board approved the consent agenda items, which included resignations (Tiffany Christopherson from full-time evening custodian, Laurie Hendrickson and Linda Wangsness from Yearbook, Alex Gleason from Varsity Dance Coach, and Skyler Sweeney from full-time evening custodian) and hirings (Mari Blanchard as paraprofessional, Cassandra Kurtz as paraprofessional, Vicky Quimby as paraprofessional, and Kevin Henrickson as full-time evening custodian). The board also OK’d lane changes for Morgan Jacobson (BA to BA+15), Stephanie Derby (BA to MA), Ben Hansen (MA to MA+15), Christina Howard (BA to BA+15) and Christy Noble (BA+30 to BA+45).
The board OK’d an adjustment of the breakfast meal price to $1.35 for P/1-6 for this school year. The Policy/PR/Curriculum committee will meet October 2 at 5 p.m., and the Finance/Facility/Personnel committee will meet October 9 at 6 p.m. The meeting adjourned about 7:30 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be Monday, October 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room. As always, the public is welcome.
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