On May 21, the Kingsland school board voted to leave meal prices for the 2018-2019 school year at the same prices as in 2017-2018. Superintendent Hecimovich said that although prices will likely have to increase most years, it’s nice to give families a break by avoiding a price hike at this time. All board members were present at the meeting (Doug Plaehn, Ann Oeltjen, Leah Stier, Jackie Horsman, Tiffany Mundfrom, Heather Betts, and Superintendent James Hecimovich).
Superintendent Hecimovich gave public thanks to donors and volunteers, including Pastor James Leonard and his family for delivering treats, Jerome Donney for donating hours under IBM’s volunteer program, IBM for donating $2,000, Whitetails Unlimited for donating $1,300 to the trap team, Sande, Jason & Lukas Thompson for bringing in staff treats, April Lauer for books donated, KSP for donating treats during Teacher Appreciation Week, Polly Lenz for another year as library volunteer, Brianna Dols, Della Dahl, Daniel Hayes Hall, Molly Peshel, Lindsey Welch, Gabby Ronnenberg, Wyatt Pruter, and Callie Lee for helping with Elementary Maker Mondays; Ronda Anderson and Deanna Kurth for volunteering with the Junior Knightette Dance Recital, Maranda Emig, Chuck Emig, Catie Emig and Sasha Bicknese for help with the Mother/Son Dance; Rack’s for donating food for the Mother/Son Dance, Ronda Anderson, Anne Jo Voorhees and Jordan Voorhees for clean-up in the courtyard; and Kingsland Board, custodial staff, kitchen staff and ALC administration for the opportunity to use the Wykoff site for their classroom. He also made a presentation to Kay Haugerud and Laurie Applen, who are retiring from their positions with Kingsland after many years. The board thanked them for their outstanding service.
No members of the public addressed the board on any issues. Students addressed the board on behalf of the Key Club, explaining that clothing sales are continuing. They asked if it’s allowable to sell “winter” items at a discounted price. The board said this is allowable if the Key Club advisor approves it. Students also addressed the board on behalf of the FFA and Student Council, sharing highlights of recent happenings and upcoming plans.
Principal Scott Klavetter talked about last week’s annual event at Whitewater for students in third through fifth grades. He said he was impressed with the large number of volunteers, including many who no longer have children participating in the event. He also pointed out that, “Kingsland, as far as anybody knows, has the longest running record of any school that’s been going there, consecutively,…54 years.” Klavetter also said the recent “Color Run” was a success, with over 250 participants total. He said it was a good fundraiser, and a great way to create community involvement.
Superintendent Hecimovich spoke about the upcoming graduation, stating, “We have 31 students that will be graduating,… and we don’t have a single one that’s on the fence.” He also pointed out that one of the graduates is from the ALC, and 10 of the 31 will be graduating with honors, which he said is an impressive ratio.
The board approved the Region V Joint Power Agreement as submitted. Superintendent Hecimovich said this is a necessary agreement to help with financial oversight. The board also approved a Quit Claim Deed regarding sale of land to the O’Connells.
The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m. Upcoming events and meetings include the board’s work session June 4, scholarship awards program on May 29, baccalaureate on May 30, preschool graduation May 31, and high school graduation on June 1 at 7 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be Monday, June 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room. As always, the public is welcome.
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