Kingsland School Board held a regular meeting on February 23, with all members present (Jackie Horsman, Natasha Howard, Maranda Emig, Gwen Howard, Pam Freet, and Kyle Rader) along with Superintendent James Hecimovich.
The board reviewed and discussed the draft of the academic calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. The proposed calendar shows classes beginning on September 6, with a holiday break from December 23 through January 2. The final day of classes would be June 1, with commencement set for the following day (June 2). After discussion, the board unanimously approved the calendar as shown in the draft. Hecimovich stated that Principal Scott Klavetter has been working on ways that Kingsland could design the academic calendar to allow families to have enough time for a springtime trip.
Representing the Student Council, Anika Reiland addressed the board on events happening at Kingsland. She summarized the FFA Week events ongoing, and described the student council’s “Snow Week” activities. She stated that Snow Week would culminate with the coronation of king and queen, and a dance on Saturday.
Hecimovich gave a short update on the status of open enrollment numbers for Kingsland, showing the number of students who open enroll in or out of the school district, and how the school’s finances are impacted. He summarized that, overall, Kingsland sees a decrease in student enrollments due to open enrollment. He stated that this also means a decrease in funding.
Participating via phone, Business Manager Amber Herbrand gave the board an update on the financial and budgetary status, and submitted a proposed budget revision for the current school year. She stated, “Enrollment looks a little better than we projected… and so we are looking to basically end up here with about a $200,000 increase or so (in revenues).” Her report to the board showed that state aid accounted for the bulk of that increase (roughly $165,000).
Herbrand described the surplus in food service funds, and summarized that, “In Community Ed, she’s (Becky Bicknese) gotten more grants than what we initially anticipated, so we’re looking at an overall fund balance increase.” Overall, she stated, “It’s kind of nice, coming to a district with good news!” The board adopted the revised budget as submitted.
The board formally and gratefully accepted several donations, including $509 from VFW Auxiliary Post 4114 (for the Washington, DC trip), $285 from VFW Post 4114 (for Washington, DC trip), $1,000 from Polly Lentz (for elementary library budget), $50 from Matt’s Auto Body (for FFA/Ag), and steel from Kurt Langeslag (for welding and metal arts).
Hecimovich discussed the many factors that Kingsland faces in making decisions on “bad weather days” and whether or not to close school. He said that since Kingsland participates as part of SMEC (Southern Minnesota Educational Consortium), there is a large geographical area to consider when winter weather impacts travel safety.
The Kingsland Board’s next meetings will be a “work session” on Monday, March 7, at 6 p.m., and a regular session on Monday, March 21, at 6 p.m. Both meetings will be held at the Kingsland Elementary School Conference Room. The public is welcome.
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