Kingsland School Board held a regular session on June 23, with all members participating (Jackie Horsman, Kyle Rader, Natasha Howard, Gwen Howard, Maranda Emig, Pamela Freet, and Superintendent James Hecimovich). Business Manager Amber Herbrand participated via Zoom technology.
Herbrand explained the initial revenue expenditures budget for the upcoming school year. She explained that the numbers are based on the best information available at this time, and added, “From the state, we still do not have anything firm and concrete in regards to what we’ll receive for funding. We took a best guess with our Gen Ed aid.” The board approved the initial expenditures budget as presented.
Herbrand also provided an update on the Fiscal Year 2021 budget. She reported that year-to-date revenues are at roughly $4.8 million, while expenditures are nearly $4.7 million. Two factors that helped keep expenditures down are the pandemic-related learning models, and the use of CARES Act funding.
The board considered several annual designations and resolutions. Superintendent Hecimovich was named as the “IOWA” (Identified Official with Authority), and Principal Scott Klavetter was named as the Local Education Agency representative. The board formally called for milk and fuel bids for the upcoming school year. The board also approved the resolution to continue membership in the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL).
Regarding the recent tragic death of Eric Howard, of Wykoff, Superintendent Hecimovich said, “On behalf of Kingsland Public Schools…. We had a tragedy that happened over the weekend. And it affected our Kingsland community, our agricultural community, everybody… So, on behalf of Kingsland Public Schools, you know, we have their children in our schools, we had one graduate last year, this is very difficult, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the family.”
Superintendent Hecimovich gave an update on athletics, as he mentioned the recent success of the Track & Field teams, saying “Congratulations to our kids. The girls, I believe, took third in the state.” Jackie Horsman added that Kingsland had quite an impressive list of individual and relay team performances and placings at state.
Hecimovich informed the board that he has sent out Kingsland’s new Strategic Plan to the public, via email and Facebook. He stated, “So far, I’ve received favorable feedback on it. So, I think the people enjoyed it.” Horsman agreed, adding, “I think it’s been well received.”
A pair of agenda items were tabled. Item 9.3 (Approval of Long-term Facilities Maintenance 10-year Plan) will be discussed at the board’s July meeting. Item 9.8 (Resolution establishing dates for filing affidavits of candidacy) will be added to the agenda at a later date.
Staffing updates approved by the board, as part of the consent agenda, included the resignations of Michael Green (evening custodian), Judy Vreeman (cook), Pat DeYoung (cook), Jena Wood (full-time custodian); and the hiring of Ariana Caddell (4th grade teacher). The Kingsland board’s next meeting will be a work session on Wednesday, July 7 at 6 p.m. The board’s next regular session will be Monday, July 19 at 6 p.m.
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