Please Note: Due to COVID-19, the board chair and superintendent will conduct teleconferencing with the remaining five (5) board members to mitigate exposure to COVID-19. Minnesota School Boards Association provided the following guidance (
1On Friday, March 13, Gov. Walz issued Executive Order 20-01, which declared a peacetime state of emergency pursuant to his powers under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 12: Emergency Management. This step allows school boards to meet by conference call or other electronic means under Minnesota Statutes 13D.021.
1The following conditions must be met for the board to meet by conference call:
1. The “presiding officer, chief legal counsel, or chief administrative officer” of the school board “determines that an in-person meeting…is not practical or prudent because of a health pandemic or an officially-declared emergency”;
2. All school board members can hear one another and hear all discussion;
3. The public present at the regular meeting location can hear all discussion and all votes, unless attendance at the regular meeting location is not feasible due to the health pandemic or emergency declaration;
4. At least one member of the school board, chief legal counsel, or chief administrative officer is physically present at the regular meeting location, unless unfeasible due to the health pandemic or emergency declaration; and
5. All votes are recorded by roll call (Minnesota Statutes 13D.021).
Note that items three and four have a disclaimer for a health pandemic.
A duly posted regular meeting of the Board of Education, Independent School District No. 2137 was held in the elementary conference room on Monday, April 20, 2020.
Board Chair Jackie Horsman called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board chair, Jackie Horsman, and superintendent, Jim Hecimovich, were present in the elementary conference room. Present (teleconferencing): Maranda Emig, Noella Lund, Kyle Rader, Natasha Howard and Tiffany Mundfrom. Also, in attendance were Elementary Principal Scott Klavetter, and Building & Grounds Director, Jason Thompson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Rader moved to approve the following consent items as presented: Board agenda; March 16 , 2020 regular meeting minutes; April 6, 2020 work session minutes; Financial; April 2020 bills; Policy review; first reading as reviewed at work session; Policy adoption; second reading; Staffing; Resignation of Christine Rathbun – PT Custodian, Maryanne Meyers- FFCRA leave. Motion by Mundfrom to accept, seconded by Rader. Motion carried unanimously.
Thank you to Tanya Carlson for donating school supplies to SACC ($29.25) and 12-face masks for emergency childcare workers. Kingsland parents, students and staff for the tremendous support during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Public comments: None.
Reports: There were no Student Reports – FFA / Student Council / Key Club today; PK-6 Principal – Scott Klavetter, and, Community Education, Becky Bicknese submitted written reports; Building and Grounds Director – Jason Thompson provided a verbal report; No Activities Director or Business Manager reports submitted; Kingsland School Parents didn’t submit a report.
Old Business: None
New Business: Resolution Accepting Donations; Moved by Howard, seconded by Lund bto accept the presented donations. Knights of Columbus Council 13609 for their donation of $300.00 for the English play, MidwayUSA Foundation for their $1,048 for the Trap Team
Motion by Horsman, seconded by Lund to accept donations. Roll call: Aye-5, Nay-0. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution is duly adopted. (Resolution is on file in the District Office.)
Mundfrom moved to adjourn the meeting. Lund seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Meeting Dates: The next work session will be held on Monday, May 4, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the high school conference room. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, May 18, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the high school conference room.
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