A regular meeting of the Kingsland School Board was held June 19. Members in attendance were Ann Oeltjen, Jackie Horsman, Tiffany Mundfrom, and Heather Betts, along with Superintendent John McDonald. Doug Plaehn and Deb Larson were absent, so Oeltjen led the meeting. No visitors had signed up to address the board.
The board heard a budgetary update from Business Manager Amber Uhlenhake, and approved the original budget for the 2017-2018 school year. She explained that a budget revision will need to be prepared soon, since the original budget was for Kingsland operating two sites. Uhlenhake stated, “In this budget, we are projected to deficit spend overall in the General Fund, but again we’ll see what happens.” She said the overall deficit spending projected in the original 2017-2018 budget is $83,359. Superintendent McDonald added, “As we go to one building, … that number will obviously change, and it could very well be a positive.” Uhlenhake shared that, as always, if enrollment increases or decreases, that will have a significant impact on the budget numbers.
The board approved the consent agenda items, which included hiring Tyler Heimermann (Technology Education), Alyssa Humpal (ECFE/School Readiness Coordinator), Genevieve Jungers (Technology Specialist), John Fenske (B Squad/9th Football Coach) and Nick Atwood (B Squad/9th Football Coach), and resignations of Jennifer Moore (food service), Michael Carr (B Squad/9th Football Coach), and Mitchell Plaehn (9th Boys Basketball). The consent agenda also included a number of first and second policy readings, and the Community Education Director’s Contract for 2017-18.
Superintendent McDonald then gave public thanks to a number of volunteers and donors, including: Barbara June Vize (MD) and Mylan/Bloridge Pharmaceuticals for the generous offer to sponsor Kingsland receiving free EpiPen Auto-Injectors, Casey’s for donating bottled water for the K-3 Track & Field Day, Whitetails Unlimited for donating $1,000 to the trap team, A & W for donating 20 gallons of root beer for the end-of-the-year picnic, KSP for donating ice cream for the end-of-the-year picnic, Pastor James and Valley Christian Center for donuts and juice and for all of their generosity and support throughout the year. Oeltjen then added a public thanks to Superintendent McDonald for his years of service to the district, noting that this is his final board meeting.
The board OK’d a Quit Claim Deed regarding the property now owned by Daniel and Patricia O’Connell. This is the former elementary property, and it was explained the Quit Claim Deed is something that should have happened when the transfer first happened, but was overlooked.
The board approved the one-year Interim Superintendent Contract for James Hecimovich, and he was also designated as Kingsland’s “IOWA” (Identified Official with Authority) as required by the Minnesota Department of Education. The board has received four applications for the Pre-K principal position. The board voted to discontinue the Adult and Youth Enrichment Coordinator position. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 17, at 6:30 p.m. Effective immediately, regular board meetings will be held in the choir room. The public is welcome.
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