The Kingsland School Board held a regular board meeting on May 20. Members present included Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Kyle Rader, Maranda Emig, Tiffany Mundfrom, Leah Stier, Superintendent James Hecimovich, and student representative Zachary Queensland. Natasha Howard was absent.
The Kingsland campus has a much different look, as the summer facility upgrade project has begun. There are a number of trailers on the campus, providing office space for the summer. Jackie Horsman informed the board, “Just an FYI, the summer food grant, it allows the SACC program to provide free lunches for all the SACC kids all summer long, and that’s a really good value that we can offer.”
The business manager gave the board a brief update on the budget for the next fiscal year, saying, “I’m 99.9% done” and she said the full budget will be given to the board for potential approval in June. She added that the state legislature gave a larger funding increase (2%) than some had predicted (1/2%), so that was a budgetary benefit.
The consent agenda items were approved, including several hirings: Taylor Sanford as SACC assistant and preschool assistant, Lori Weiss as preschool teacher, and Laura Lanning as fifth grade teacher; and resignations: Stephanie Hammes as ECSE teacher, Becky Bicknese as head dance coach and Key Club advisor, Debby Westphal as preschool/SACC assistant, Hailey Westphal as SACC assistant, Meghan Lipkie as SACC assistant, and Sam Hanley as head volleyball coach.
Superintendent Hecimovich gave public thanks to recent donors, including Deer Creek Long Spurs National Turkey Federation, Spring Valley Area Sportsmen’s Club, Rubin Mechanical, Tonya Carlson, and Pheasants Forever. Principal Scott Klavetter thanked all who helped make the recent fifth grade Whitewater trip a success. He also reported that the crew who helped move items out of the school, in preparation for this summer’s project, did a great job. The board specifically thanked Chris Howard and family for lots of help moving equipment. Horsman pointed out that Kingsland received thanks from the local VFW for helping with Loyalty Days.
The board discussed communications related to the operating levy referendum. Hecimovich said the brochures have been printed and handed out. Jackie Horsman said she’s gotten good feedback, including, “It’s very easy to read, that the information on there is the type of information that people were looking for…” Zach Queensland also said he’s handed out “40 or 50” and hasn’t heard any negative feedback. Kyle Rader explained what he’s done so far regarding getting the referendum information onto Kingsland’s website. He said there will be sections to address tax impact for citizens, as well as a FAQ section to answer common questions. He plans to open the site “as is” and will continue making fixes as needed.
The board considered, and approved, the Cook Supervisor contract and Community Ed Coordinator contract as submitted. Horsman discussed the main changes proposed in the Transportation Master Agreement, and it was approved by the board. The board discussed, and approved, the SMS Payroll Contract Renewal as submitted. It was pointed out that due to the Affordable Care Act, Business Manager Amber Herbrand is required to spend significant amounts of time completing and submitting ACA-related reports. Because of this, the overall contract shows an increase of roughly $10,000.
The next board meeting will be a work session on Monday, June 3 at 6 p.m. There will also be a regular board meeting on Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. Both meetings in June will be in the temporary SACC room. As always, the public is welcome at all open meetings.
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