Kingsland school board held a regular session on July 19, with all members participating (Jackie Horsman, Kyle Rader, Natasha Howard, Gwen Howard, Maranda Emig, Pamela Freet, and Superintendent James Hecimovich). Also in attendance were Principal Scott Klavetter and Building & Grounds Director Jason Thompson. Business Manager Amber Herbrand participated via Zoom technology.
In discussing Kingsland’s Long-term Facility Maintenance Plan, Maranda Emig asked if there are any major projects expected in the next ten years. Building & Grounds Director Jason Thompson replied, “I guess I was thinking after the big project two years ago, there shouldn’t be a whole lot left to do over the next five to ten years.” It was pointed out that a portion of the roofing is scheduled to be redone in about eight years.
Superintendent Hecimovich added, “We did get good news on the gym floor. The maple floor does not have to be replaced anytime soon. There is still several sandings left, so we have long life there.” Thompson explained that he had measured the thickness of the wooden flooring, and agreed with Hecimovich.
The board voted to renew Kingsland’s “E-learning Plan” for the upcoming school year. This refers to the system of allowing a certain number of “snow days” or similar cancellations to be e-learning days in which students would participate from home via technology.
The pay rate for substitute teachers was formally approved. Licensed teachers will be paid $110 per day, and non-licensed teachers will receive $10.08 per hour. The consideration of athletic/extra-curricular fees was tabled, as Hecimovich pointed out that the SEC conference has not yet determined their gate fees for the year.
School Age Child Care (SACC) fees were approved at the same rate as the previous year. Regarding Preschool fees, Jackie Horsman stated, “Those are the ones that are changing. They’re increasing five dollars a month, all levels.” The board voted to approve.
The legal firm of Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger PA was officially designated as Kingsland’s legal counsel. The board also approved membership in a number of organizations (MSBA, MREA, SSC, SEMNET, STEM Forward, Kiwanis, and SEC) for the upcoming year. Kyle Rader was appointed as Kingsland’s representative on the SMEC board.
In the “Public Thank You & Recognition” portion of the agenda, the board gratefully acknowledged the donation of $100 to Kingsland Elementary School, from Kathy Moeller. Hecimovich said the donation was in honor of Kathy’s mother.
One item on the agenda was listed as “Approve Lease Levy for SMEC Building Payment.” Gwen Howard asked about the payment. Horsman stated, “It’s unfortunate that we’re in this situation, but it’s an obligation made.” Gwen said, “I understand that our yearly payment is a lot less than if we were to pay for the services ourselves and have our own.” After discussion, the board voted five to one to approve the payment (Gwen Howard voted against).
Board member compensation was set at 0.0514% of Teachers’ Master Agreement BA Step 1 Salary. Kingsland’s mileage reimbursement rate was set at 36 cents per mile. Each of these are identical to the rate used for the previous school yaear.
A special election was approved, to fill a board member vacancy that will come open beginning in January. The special election will be held November 2. Staffing updates approved by the board, as part of the consent agenda, included the resignations of Brooke Burt (SACC Assistant and PreK Paraprofessional) and Kelly Hansen (Lunchroom Aide). The Kingsland board’s next meeting will be a work session on Monday, August 2, at 6pm.
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