The Kingsland School Board held a regular board meeting on June 17. Members present included board chair Jackie Horsman, Kyle Rader, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Leah Stier, and Superintendent James Hecimovich. Tiffany Mundfrom was absent. Also attending was Principal Scott Klavetter. No members of the general public addressed the board.
The board approved the consent agenda, which included the hiring of Lindsey Montesano (ECSE teacher), and the resignations of Rebecca Oakland (SACC assistant), Scott Rindels (JV boys basketball coach), John Dols (activities director) and Lyman Richter (regular route bus driver). Principal Klavetter pointed out that the hiring of Montesano is “pending licensure.”
Public thanks was given to recent donors, including Old Barn Resort (for allowing the golf team to practice on the course at no charge this season), KSP (for hosting the Color Run), Spring Valley Public Library (for summer reading programs and inviting SACC program to participate), KABC ($10,000 donation for bleachers for the Kingsland Cafe), and volunteer soccer coaches (Jen Ferguson, Brinjil Hyde, Liz Newberg, Kelly Opseth, Jared Hagstrom, Ross Musel, Shaun Knode, Sheila Knode, Sandi Drees, Matt Jordan, Karen Stephans, Anthony Becker, Cody Stuart, and Bill Mettler). Hecimovich also said that Knutson Construction has generously decided to donate the proceeds from all scrap metal redemption at this summer’s facility upgrade project to the Kingsland playground fund. He added that Knutson Construction is doing an excellent job this summer, and has been very good at keeping Kingsland staff informed of progress and any issues that arise.
The board also recognized graduating student Grace Himle. She was also congratulated by several members of her family in attendance. Hecimovich stated, in part, “This is one of the hardest working young ladies… we’re proud of you.”
The board discussed the ongoing longterm facility maintenance (indoor air quality) project. Hecimovich said, “The abatement should be done tomorrow (June 18), we’re ahead of schedule… The gym floor, they’re planning to refinish that the week of July 1. And lastly, John (Dols) has a plan for moving everybody back in August. That’ll begin in probably the second week of August. It’ll be an intense 10 days before teachers come back… so we may put a call out, to get volunteers to help.” Jackie Horsman suggested any board members who volunteer would be greatly appreciated, and community members will be welcome to volunteer as well.
The board discussed planned communications related to the operating levy referendum. Hecimovich shared the one-page “Fast Facts” information form that is being given out, and encouraged board members to ask for as many as they can distribute. The form explains that basic information about the levy, and the tax impact for homeowners. It also shows how Kingsland’s levy compares to six other area school districts. The form highlights that, “Levies are for learning, bonds are for buildings,” to clear up something that citizens often misunderstand. The form also spells out what will happen if the Operating Referendum Levy fails. Kyle Rader said he is expecting the website with this information to “go live” this week.
After discussion, and a phone call to Business Manager Amber Herbrand for clarification, the board voted to approve the initial Revenue and Expenditure budget for the upcoming school year, The board also approved the 10-year Longterm Facilities Maintenance Plan as submitted.
The meeting adjourned about 7:45 p.m. The next board meeting will be on Monday, July 1 at 6 p.m. As always, the public is welcome at all open meetings.