To the Editor,
Recently Donald Trump’s appointed Agriculture secretary, Sonny Perdue, joked about how farmers are whiners. It amazes me that the man in charge of agriculture in this administration is so callous given what he surely knows is happening in farm country. U.S. agriculture bankruptcy filings are at 10-year highs, U.S. farm income in 2019 will remain near lows not seen since 2002 and suicides among farmers are 1.5 times higher than the national average and rising. That’s not even mentioning the weather-related damage to many farmers. In a recent interview our U.S. Representative, Jim Hagedorn said he “keeps his head down in Washington.” Well, Mr. Hagedorn, would you please pull your head up and take notice of what is happening in your district? Would you please convey to your boss in Washington that destroying commodity markets with ill advised “trade wars” is harming the people in your district? Maybe “keeping your head down” is similar to burying your head in the sand, I’m not sure, but either way start representing your constituents, please.
Kevin Kelleher
Houston, Minn.
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