By Ashley Haugerud
I believe continuous complaining will not resolve any issues one may be complaining about. There are many forms of complaint, such as complaining about the same thing over and over again, complaining about everything possible, and complaining only for sympathy. Continuous complaining has became one of my biggest pet peeves. I know there is always a solution to people’s problems; complaining will only make it worse.
Complaining about the same thing continuously will have no final resolution. Whether this complaint is about something very serious such as family and relationships or whether it is about not having enough clothes, complaining is not the answer. Instead of complaining about your issue repeatedly, you can ask for help. If you’re having trouble with relationships talk to a guidance counselor or a close friend you trust. If you don’t have enough clothes you can always get a job to get money to buy new clothes; address the issue, don’t complain about it.
There’s nothing worse than hearing someone complain about everything. Too much complaining can become quite annoying. In life there will be ups and downs and the occasional complaint is ok, but constant complaining can become unattractive. An example is at school when students complain every time our teacher assigns us homework. Homework is a part of school and is bound to happen, complaining will not make it any better. I believe finding the good in everything, like how homework will only benefit us, seems to work, rather than complaining about it. Constant complaining will not have the benefit of sympathy.
Most people complain only for sympathy. They may even make up what they’re complaining about. I believe this is the worst form of complaint. If one has to feel sympathy in order to be ok, they need to reach out for help. You should never have to feel the need to constantly receive sympathy. When it comes to complaining of a lost family member, that is understandable, but if it seems to be something different every day and nothing’s ever perfect; this is sympathetic complaining. There may have been something someone has been through to cause this type of complaint, but there is always a way to help this problem. The biggest thing is realizing yourself that it is the wrong thing to do.
Life is a beautiful thing and we are all very lucky. I truly believe everything happens for a reason whether we know that reason or not. To cherish life and be thankful is the correct thing to do. Some of us have it easier than others, but it seems like those who have it hard are the most humble.
It is your choice whether or not you’re happy or complaining; this is why my biggest pet peeve is when people constantly complain. Everyone has the ability to resolve problems they are facing it all depends on if you try or not. People can complain in many ways; these include constantly complaining about the same thing, complaining about everything, and complaining for sympathy. There is more to life than complaining about it. If you want there to be a solution, there will be.
Ashley Haugerud is a student at Fillmore Central High School. She is one of seven area students participating in the Journal Writing Project, now in its 19th year.
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